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Short View: The Collapse of The USSR Causes and Consequences LONG KimKhorn, MA. IRs-Diplomacy, PUC.

. May 30, 2013 In the year 1991, USSR had collapsed first due to exhausted economic and high spending in revolution and war against some countries in the east and west Europe countries such as Germany against its expansionism and the idea of class conflict endorsing the Marxism. Second, cause of collapse because of nuclear program that made USSR spent a lot of resource resulted in USSR lacked of food supply in the market for their huge population. Third, the cause of collapse because large population and land that became a challenge for USSR leaders to manage the land and secure the border because at that time USSR had weak territory management. Finally, USSR collapsed because of wrong focus of socio-economic and political policy made USSR lost the control onto its state including protectorates. After the collapses of USSR, there were consequences occurred shortly after 1991. At least we can conclude to two main consequences at that time. First, from year to year the small states under USSR start to fight for freedom and self-determination that rose every part of USSR. Second, due to the collapse of USSR there were numbers of sovereign states left the allies of Soviet including China. Those consequences need decades for Soviet leaders to rebuild the country strong but however Soviet in the past and Russia in the present still considered globally as superpower in the world undeniable.

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