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Project 2 Information Sources Table


Alejandro Chiriboga, Juan David Uribe, Mateo Carrera and Antonella Torres

What is it

Description and where you used it.

We used it to get important quotations of soldiers experiences and how their mentality of the Vietnam war changed as the war progressed. It also has information about the Iraq war.

It is reliable due to the fact that the page is just focused on the Vietnam war. There is a variety of information and it tells us the owner. It is reliable because it tells us the date when it was last updated and who the author is. In each persons quotation it says who said this and the year. By Anup Shah This Page Last Updated Friday, October 24, 2003

Bias or Propaganda? How do you know?

This website is bias because the content which lies on the website is given from the point of view of the author and its not relied on complete facts.

Copyrighted material Yes? No? Reason

This page includes c as it is a compilation different poems whic each individually cop Despite this, it does that the information used.

We used this source because it gives quotes about different important people during the Vietnam war and the media impact.

This website is balanced because the website does not direct the audience to one point of view, it gives a variety of ideas producing the website to be completely balanced

As well as the previ source, this is also compilation. In this are quotes of differe opinions and this is copy righted but it c be used.

We used this source to have a reliable source of information for the opposition of the Vietnam war.

The BBC bite size is reliable because it is recommended by many teachers. Also it is aimed for the GCSE program and the information is written by high quality people. The BBC has a good reputation of the

This website is and educational website for students mainly in ks3 and ks4. The website is a history lesson about the Vietnam and Iraq war.

The source is copy it belongs to the BB copy righted itself. T information is publis especially for usage

information it provides. Nevertheless it can sometimes be biased towards Vietnam war. We just used this video simply to help us understand better the Vietnam media; it provides us with interviews of different politicians and how television became our electronic window of the world. Nevertheless we did not include this in our real presentation because it is too long and not very entertaining for the audience to watch. It is not very interactive. We used this page to get some background information about photojournalism on the protest movement of Vietnam We can assume that the video is reliable because at the very start it warns us that the program is produced by Accuracy in media, a media watchdog organisation in Washington DC representing the consumers in news. From there also we know its done by America which can be biased towards their views and beliefs. It is reliable because underneath each picture the page states its source. The source states edu which gives us the impression it is for educational purposes. The page is reliable; it specifically states each date, the privacy issues and the copyright. It gives us the name of the consultant and the webmaster and finally when it was launched.

The video is bias in my opinion. It is showing how media affected the war view. This made the people look at the war differently and it is having the same effect now.

This video is not co

This webpage might be biased in a way. It is about events that happened on the war and the opposition to it. It is biased because it is clearly showing anti Vietnam messages. This source is not biased. We can know this because the webpage is not affiliated to any specific group or ideas. The purpose of the page is to inform the reader, not to send any message.

It is not a copyrighte although is has sou which many are cop

We used this source to give us facts about the dates the TV use increased as the Vietnam war progressed.

Yes the website doe copyright issues it is that the pictures and on the site are the p the original owners. to be permission from copyright holders be publishing anything

We used this website because it compared the differences and similarities between the Vietnam war and the Iraq war. It was helpful because it includes In both conflicts, the pressure on the U.S. government to withdraw its troops increased greatly when public opinion and media judgments in America turned against the war. In both wars anti war movements were raised. This website shows the parallels of the Vietnam war versus the Iraq war. It shows how, Vietnam war had the intentions of being a domino effect by implying communism to the surrounding countries, in contrast, Iraq is technically similar but this time with democracy taking control.

It is written by Ron Nessen, journalist in residence, The Brookings Institution. It is reliable because it is sourcing the name of the person who wrote this, its profession and institution. However we have to take in consideration that sometimes information like this cannot be necessarily true. Ronald Bruce St John, an analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus, has published widely on Middle Eastern issues. His latest book on the region is Libya and the United States: Two Centuries of Strife (Penn Press, 2002). Users Opinions. It is not a very reliable source to use because anyone can answer whatever they please therefore we cant take it as complete truth. We have to be very intuitive in the information we read in this type of pages as much of the content is no highly qualified, we dont know the persons who are

This website is an informative and comparative website between Vietnam and Iraq war. It informs the differences between each war and only shows facts.

This article is copy it belongs to a big c new. It can also be its purpose is to info

This website is bias because it shows only one point of view which is that Iraq war is no different than the Vietnam war. There are precise facts which support the main ideas.

This is not a copy ri article because it is a blog form and is a opinion.

Although Yahoo is not a very reliable source page to use, it really helped to see peoples different points of views and contrasts in opinions. Some of the thoughts and ideas did contribute to our thoughts.

In this website there are many different points of view which I must agree to the idea that the website is neither bias nor propaganda.

It is not copy righted simple answer from anonymous person be completely misle

telling us the information. m/watch?v=IZ5TmdAN Fws

We used this video in the last slide number 6 in our presentation because it describes the media effect with Charlton Heston who also was part of bowling for the columbine video. It is short and brief so it does not bore the audience

I think the video is reliable, it was made by Savannah Jones and Hanna Gonthier.

This video just shows Vietnams war point of view and how the media impacted, it doesnt give Iraq-s information therefore it is not biased.

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