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Few hours ago, I read a part of a book written by Guruji ( H.H.

Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji) where he has made clear what we make important for us and what actually is important. If we go to the market and buy a cup made up of clay. For what actually we pay for? Do we really pay for the clay or the space inside the cup. If we think we really pay for the clay than will we pay for the lump of the clay? Definitely the space inside the cup is important for us. If we compare a piece of gold with a piece of an iron than it is obvious piece of the gold will be precious for us and the iron will carry no value. Gold will make us see beautiful and will make people see us rich. But for our body, iron element is very important for us to survive. In the absence of this particle in our body we will have no existence. Even the use of iron is vital while making a house because we can never imagine a house made with the help of gold.

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