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By : Teti Puspita Sari

Providence Hospital 9/07

Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)

A stroke-like event lasting minutes, or hours, that occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood temporarily, but in which the effects wear off completely after the blood-flow returns

TIAs do not result in permanent brain damage

TIA is serious and too often ignored


PLEASE Pay Attention to these symptoms

TIAs should not be ignored More that 1/3 of people will go on to have an actual stroke 5% of strokes will occur within 1 month of the TIA or first stroke 12% will occur within 1 year 20% will occur within 2 years 25% will occur within 3 years

Stroke does not Discriminate

Stroke affects people of
All Ages All Ethnic Groups All Backgrounds

Most strokes are preventable, take steps NOW to reduce having a stroke!

Risk Factors for Stroke

Blood Pressure over 120/80? Smoker exposed to tobacco? Overweight? Diabetes? High Cholesterol? Heart Disease?

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