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Giomar J. Rivera Mr.Martinelle D Block November/8/2012 The 13 Colonies How Democratic is your country?

Did you know the lack of democarcy in the 13 colonies? Overall the 13 colonies were somewhat democratic? The colonies were somewhat democratic because there was no equality liberty for all religons, and no fair government. In the 13 colonies there was little liberty. The only people that were treated equaly were the rich people that owned much land and people with different religious beliefs. According to edvince N people who did not believe in the existance of God were no treated with liberty. According to edvidence O people who didnt own much land didnt help make any decisions. Part of what makes a society democratic is equal power and it is not shown here because the middle class people didnt get to make the decisions and people who did not believe the existance of God werent given as much rights as those who did. In the 13 colonies there was little equality. Slavery here was legalized. According to edvidence M and O we see that slavery was not illegal. Slaves were used for trading as if they were iteams.

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