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Gabriela Andaur Obsolescence, can it hold forever?

just when the last three was dead, the last river poisoned and the last fish catching, you will notice yo cant eat Money1 We always hear from our parents or grandparents about that the things was more resistant before, the things had more duration, and we actually notice that, seeing differents old products that still working until now, but we just accept that and dont even ask why, but if we start to think, using our critical thinking, the technology has been advancing, it has getting better, so the things and their quality also have to be better, this dirty secret is the obsolesence products already programmed to dont work, to be trash, but this serial system of buy and throw repeatedly, for so many causes, would resist forever? Of Course not, if we just live in a economic world, maybe we can but, WE DONT ! , we live in the planet earth and of his earth we didnt have so much now, but we still buying and throwing away and gathering more trash, cause my cellphone didnt work so good today and is not fashion, or my computer worked so slow today, cause my earphones just didnt work and I have to buy another one, all of this products are programmed to dont work and you still buying and buying and the companys still winning, and getting more Money and Money but the materials? For all of that many stuffs, they need a tons of raw material, so they destroy our environment, but we didnt do anything cause we need that stuffs to be happy, cause in the televisin say that, because all the people say that, because our brains are programed like that. But will we be happy when we didnt have what to eat, where to sleep, where to stand? the anwer is obvius.

Indianamerican Proverb

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