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vLesson: Standards:



CYSA3.3.4.B. Know that living things are made up of parts that have specific functions. CYSA4.7.4.A.01: Explain why insects are different colors, shapes and sizes and how these differences relate to survival. Objectives:

Students will be able to identify the characteristics required of an insect.

Learning Goals:

Students will gain an understanding of several common insects found in the local area and their characteristics.
Materials and Resources: Science journal Insects and Spider worksheet Bug sheet Construction paper Glue Scissors crayons

PROCEDURES: Introduction: Tell students to talk amongst themselves in their teams in a whisper to come up with the 5 characteristics of an insect without looking at their science journals. After a minute or two, call students back and have them share. Write each of the 5 characteristics up on the board. Have students stand up and sing the insect body parts song. During the Lesson: Call students up front with their clipboards and a pencil. Hand out the spider and insects sheet and read aloud together. Answer the questions together as well. Have students go back to their seats and pull out their science journals and fill out the section on spiders. Conclusion:

Give students the bug sheet and have them create their own bug. They should glue the body parts onto a piece of construction paper, draw the antennae and legs on the insect and label each part. These will be displayed on the bulletin board. Adaptations: Students with ADHD will be monitored throughout the lesson to make sure they are participating and focusing. They will be given reminders as needed. Assessment: I will assess each students insect to be sure they included the correct parts in the correct spots. Self-Reflection:

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