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October 28,2005. Selectron Committee

Re: Nicole Bartes


P.O. Box 1510 WA,LKERTON, ONTARIO NOG 2VO (519) BB1-1780 Fax: (519) BB1-2412

Assocratron of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Ref: TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Commumty Leadership 350 Aibert St., Suite 600 Ottawa, ON KIR lB1

D.O.B.: 04 FEB 88

I am currently the Vice Principal of Walkefion Drstnct Secondary School and I am pleased to write a letter of
recommendation for Nicole Barnes.

I have known Nicole for four years. I have been directly tnvolved with Nrcole rn her role as editor of the schooi newspaper (2002 and ongoing) whrch has grown and provided interesting reading for staff, student and the of our school. Nicoie has been the primary force behind the creation and continuation of the school "o**urrity ,r"*rpup"i. I rvorked closely with Nicole when she volunteered to parlicipate in a school assembly. Nicole played the flute in front of the entire school as a friend accompanied her on piano. Nicole has enthusiastically volunteered her talents, her ideas, and her leadership when appropriate throughout the four years I have been at Walkerlon District.
Nicole has partrcipated in many other activitres whrle at Walkerlon Dish-ict. Nicole travelied on a cultural excursion to Quebec City as parl of a school group. Nrcole participated fu1ly and provrded leadership among the students during all aspects of the immersion experience. In May of 2004, Nicole participated in the Southerl Ontario Mock United Nattons Assembly at the Umversity of Toronto. Nrcole was an excellent ambassador for our school. Nrcole has also been a participant and leader for two 30 Hour Famines held by our school (2003-2005).

I have watched Nicole develop her abiltties to negotiate, and be pro-active in her activities at the school. I have also observed ongoing development of Nicole's leadership and collaborative skr1ls. Nicole works hard and takes pride in her academic and non-academic accomplishments. Nicole is interested in events that affect our school as well as globa1 events. Ntcole is a well-rounded student who has the tools to accomplish much in her future


Margaret E. Peckham

Vice Principal Walkerlon District Secondary School


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