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Challenge To USA Black Pope Barrack Obama Waiting Answer!

Monday, 19 November 2012 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance News Today 4 U Darwin NT Australia

Greetings My Fellow Australians And people around the World, I hereby issue The Following Challenge To USA Black Pope President Barrack Obama And I Await His Answer!

What Happens If Just If I Have Another Plan Tell us more!

First I publicly Declare before 320 Million Americans and people of the World that is 6.4 Billion of us The USA Constitution is a Clever Fraudulent Copy which was replaced back in 1871 under everybody noses (Illegally and without consent of The American People permission!)

Therefore I have no choice but to come to the aid of 320 American people side and FREE Them From Slavery
And in doing so FREE The 320 Million People from Slavery, Formally Public Declare The Current Fraudulent USA Constitution and All Laws written and passed and that sit on the Statue Books that are derived from and written from that Fraudulent Copy are hereby Null & Void since this date in 1871 until this present date 23rd Nov 2012 Now not studying the The Current Fraudulent Cope, the Constitution also gives advise how to set up The Office of The USA Presidency Office.

Which means now, if I am correct The Office Of The USA Presidency is also (Null Void Invaded)

Which means now, if I am correct The Office Of The USA Presidency is also (Null Void Invaded) Which means anything, this Office or the people in this USA Black Pope President Barrack Obama administration does to hurt One Hair on any person living within the Borders of the United States of America.
Man Made Justice now Lawfully declared to be used against USA Black Pope President Barrack Obama administration And all those below him who take orders from the Black Pope and carrys them out.

Man Made Justice is higher then any Silly Little Man Made Laws, Man Made Justice gives back to the rightful owners who is WE The People what We The People want to do with.

Liars, cheats, murders, traitors, Puppets, Stooges, Drunks, Perverts, Child Molesterers now Empowered to run the United States Of America for We The People but have failed.
So there for I issue the following advise to the 6.4 Billion people of the World, when the World Wide Controlled Media get us to turn on our TV Sets, Read Newspapers, Listen to Radios and cleverly scripted are prepared and given to every Puppet / Stooge installed in all our countries. When these Puppets / Stooges open their mouths whether be in Parliaments they sit or interviews they give to the Media to tell their lies pre-scripted lies.

Listen closely to my Advise: From the Day WW111 Starts and Bombs rain down on Iran. Have a book beside you and start taking names.

E. G
Julia Gillard talking to Parliament (No Matter What She Says Just write her name in the book) David Cameron giving a Media Address about the Iran War (Write His Name in the Book) Stephen Harper going to some Ladies Tea Party talking about the Iran War (write his name in the Book too) ABC TV America or Australia some Talking Head News Reader (Write their name in) Any Newspaper you read a story about the Iran War (write the journalist name in to)

Are you getting the picture of what to do?

Where ever you are watching TV, Media, Politicians speak about the Iran War (Write their name in the Book) Again Your Advise & Instructions For All The Brain - dead that dont understand now, doesnt matter who cares just follow the Advise and Instructions ok (The penny will drop one day)

Again I repeat, (When you turn on your TV, Read The Newspaper or listen to the Radio), where ever you may be listen closely to the Hint Clue: - Mainstream Media Somebody anybody speaking about the Iran War or W111 (Write their name in the book) Any, thats any politician you hear about the World talking in some of the places just mentioned or Parliament speaking about the Iran War or WW111 being played out before your eyes (Write their names in the book) If you cannot follow simple Advise and Instructions, and sit on your ass watching The Iran War WW111 being played out and think its a big joke that Thousands & Thousands & Millions of people are killed is some type of joke.

Be lucky I do not do the following, wrestle you to the ground, tie your hands up and march you down to the nearest US, NATO base. And before I arrive plant a Red Hankie in your back pocket and Red Bandana on your head. Then walk up to the gate and say Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi Mr Troop Sir! Look what I found living next to me! An Al Qa`ciada Terrorist

The Troop will say where is the proof he is a Al Qa`ciada Terrorist I will point to his pocket see the Red Hankie? I will point to his head and say see the Red Bandana? I watched the Film About Flight 95 The Plane that was hijacked in Pennsylvania the Al Qa`ciada Terrorist had the same items. The Troop will ask, anymore proof? Yes Sir! I will reply. Homeland Security said to look out Al Qa`ciada Terrorist She / He may be white? Any other advise did Homeland Security give you the Troop will ask?

Yes Sir!

I watched on and wrote down notes, as the TSA Security were touching up little kids at the Airports. I watched on as they were squeezing Grandma Tits What else did you see TSA Do the Troop will ask. I watched on as they squeezed Uncle Harrys balls yes Sir I did. I watched on as helpless people were tipped out of wheel chairs. I watched on as Mothers of little babies had the Milk from the bottles tip on the floor I watched on as TSA staff were stealing things from peoples luggage and have been caught yes Sir! I watched on as people went through these TSA Airport Security Scanner Machines and get pumped full of Radiation worse then taking 100 CT- Scans.
The Troop will ask, anything else good citizen Cane?

I will ask where do I collect my $500.00 like the people in Afghanistan & Pakistan did to turn in an Innocent Al Qa`ciada Terrorist person like they did there. The Troop will say On Behalf of The Coalition Of The Stupid and Gullible we do thank you we do. I will say back to the Troop anytime, just playing my part in The Fraudulent War On Terrorism as a good little citizen Cane. And before I leave, I will ask where will he go? The troop will turn about and say along with the other some + plus Innocent Al Qa`ciada Terrorist to be tortured, have his balls zizlled to, maybe found hanging with his hands tied behind his back and a of cloth in his mouth. The Troop will then say This Is A Fraudulent War On Terrorism yes Indeed, it would not be successful unless we used Innocence Muslims and others round up around the place all over the World.

The Troop will then say Citizen Cane, before you leave, I must tell you about all the (Secret, Top Secret CIA Torture Prisons) around the world The Mighty Great United Snakes Of America have operating? For what would A Fraudulent War On Terrorism be if Innocent people were not killed, tortured, raped, murdered, knifed also, Blown Up In False Flag Terrorism Attacks & Staged Events too. The Troop would then say to me for As Night Follows Day what would A Fraudulent War On Terror be, it would fall over in a heap and their would be none.

News Item Just In To The News Desk: The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

Israel has approximately 400 500 active illegal nuclear warheads pointed AT EVERY CAPITAL in Europe & the Middle East.

FLASHBACK: 'Israeli Subs with Nukes in Gulf'

. . . . the [Israeli] government has decided to station at least one of three submarines armed with nuclear missiles permanently within striking distance of Iran in the Persian Gulf.

<Hidden Message For All To See>

1967 Israel Attacks 1 US Ship USS Liberty, deny, deny like they do and have ever since it was all staged! USA Administration after Administration cover up for the Zionist Satan Army Crimes and leave their own citizens to rot. 1967 Move ahead to 2012 How Many USA Ships in the Gulf Now? Hint Clue: - Ever Played The Game Battleship? You can put the rest together, talk about taking out a map of the gulf area, then put in where all the USA Fleet is situated, then with a Pin point to a ship and say Fire, Israeli Nuclear Subs Fire take that dam Goyim Ship out of the game.


Pentagon Wants to Keep Running Its Afghan Drug War From Blackwaters HQ
The U.S. war in Afghanistan is supposed to be winding down. Its contractor-led drug war? Not so much. Inside a compound in Kabul called Camp Integrity, the Pentagon stations a small group of officers to oversee the U.S. militarys various operations to curb the spread of Afghanistans cash crops of heroin and marijuana, which help line the Talibans pockets. Only Camp Integrity isnt a U.S. military base at all. Its the 10-acre Afghanistan headquarters of the private security company formerly known as Blackwater.

THE US's alleged drug war in Afghanistan is one steaming crock of excrement, and the numbers prove it.
From 2010 to 2011 the amount of opium produced in Afghanistan increased from 3.6 million kg to 5.8 million kg, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Its December 2011 Opium Survey noted that the total area under opium cultivation had risen from 123,000 hectares in 2010 to 131,000 hectares in 2011.


The US's CIA has a long history of using drum money for "off the shelf" operations, such as Iran Contra. And have you ever noticed, whenever the US government has declared "War" on anything, the problem gets worse, rather than better?!?

No US sailor saw Bin Ladens alleged burial

Former State Department official Steve Pieczenik told Alex Jones last May that the staged assassination was nothing more than American theater of the absurd and a photo supposedly showing members of the Obama administration watching a live video feed of the assassination was fabricated. Pieczenik and others, including members of the FBI and Israeli intelligence, believe Osama died in late 2001, soon after the United States military invaded Afghanistan. On December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a story reporting that bin Laden had died in mid-December and Taliban officials had attended the funeral. President Musharraf of Pakistan and president Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan also publicly stated in 2002 they believe Osama bin Laden died in 2001.


USA President Black Pope Barrack Obama Lied?

Pretty much so, read more in The OzBoy Files The Truth About Obama Bin Lying About Osama Bin Laden

The OzBoy File The Truth About The Killing Osama Bin Laden Story. Internal emails among U.S. military officers indicate that no American sailors watched Osama bin Ladens burial at sea from the USS Carl Vinson, and traditional Islamic procedures were followed during the secret ceremony. The emails, obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act, are heavily blacked out, but are the first public disclosure of government information about the al-Qaida leaders death. The emails were released Wednesday by the Defense Department.


Jewish Sayanim more DANGEROUS than al Qaeda cells

With a network of sayanim scattered everywhere throughout the world (as described by ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his book By Way Of Deception) Israel literally has millions of eyes and ears, watching and listening to everything as it all pertains to the Jewish state.

The Zionist devils advocate Alan Dershowitzs defence of war crimes

Gilad Atzmon debunks US academic Alan Dershowitzs crude defence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza and his slurs against Palestinian resistance, highlighting the contradictions and moral depravity of the Zionist mouthpieces arguments.

Oh, Oh...Austrian Parliament hears 80 percent of its gold or 224 metric tons in London
Austrian Parliament hears 80 percent of its gold or 224 metric tons in London - here's the thing , if you believe what Jim Willie has written , London and New York have stolen the gold placed there. So how does Germany , the Netherlands , Austria and the other saps who feverishly hope their gold is still there ( but are denied access or audit or even the ability to view THEIR gold ) respond once their fears of stolen gold become reality ? < Who stole our Gold? >>>> Federal Reserve Bank in USA>

Is Obama concerned Insiders Insiders are planning a coup dtat? Presidential Memorandum 1111-2121-12 Tell me what you think? Yes Black Pope Yes Black Pope Yes Black Pope
I cannot confirm but there is deep, deep cells of WE The People of the USA planning and plotting to take back control of the USA for We the People of the USA.


Look here: - I wonder if this guy trained in the same Unit As Jabba The Israeli IDF Top Sniper who was sent to Iraq to Pop A Few Goyims in the Head.


Here is the inside scoop on Jabba Israel sent a TOP IDF Sniper to Iraq, his job Pop A Few US Troops In The Head As the US Troops went about their guard duties. Then the Blame would be put on Al Qa`eda Terrorist the same ones on USA Government pay roll who were then shifted to Libya & Syria to over throw these Governments. Back to Jabba he use to make Home Videos of his daily and weekly kills, sorta like bragging about what he was doing. Also the poor Iraq people use to get the blame for these killings to so US Military use to take their anger out on them and shoot innocent people in Cold Blood Back to Jabba the rifle he used was a special one with a cam corder attached to it recording everything. Funny isnt it people? Come on funny isnt it I said, Laugh Harder? Laugh all your Christians who support these Zionist Murdering Thug Stand over things belonging to Satan Army Laugh? I cant hear you all laughing? Lastly hopefully a few hundred thousands of people did their jobs right, they should of made copies and videos of these Jabba Killing American Troops in Iraq.

Now you know why they want to close down the Internet World Wide, if some of these evil alwful things were released to the World. The Whole US Fleet would be heading for Israel and with Loud Speaker Phones announce to All Palestinians come this way, walk up the gangway plank onto the ship. Once all Palestinians have been loaded on board The Head Admiral Of The Whole USA Fleet would give one simple order All American Ships Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire every Weapons and Bomb you can at That State Of Israel and send each and every one of The Army Of Satan back to hell.

Thank you my friend and brother for standing beside the whole human race God Bless my young friend xoxoxoxoxoxox


Another Evil son of a bitch with a big mouth

Another Puppet Stooge (Hey David Do Tell How You Killed off Dr David Kelly)?

Another Puppet / Stooge


He was the weakest card in the pack, that is why many, many, many people whispered his name for CIA Director.


Xoxoxoxoxox to you both.


These bastards love to play, dont look at me, I never started the Fire Burning.


Which way will the Dice Roll in the end? Beats me..

Try Asking This Guy For I am only a Cleaner what would I know?


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