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Secular Soul Spiritual Marketplace Some people that believe in God do not feel the need to go to Church on Sundays

on Sundays Some still believe that it is important to go to Church Religion has been adapted by believers to suit them more than let religion dictate their lives People no longer see religion as a form of therapy, serenity and meditation. A cathedral was built in the city of Sydney for those who go to work in the morning, but few still go to the services 1950-60s were the peak times of Christianity-now only 20% of Anglican Christians still regularly go to Church There was a steady decline of the no. of Christians after the 1960s A secular society is not an irreligious society- Professor of Sociology at Monash University Organised religion has now moved to a personalised religion Some people do not prefer the organised form of religion Spirituality o Yoga o Song writing and singing o Those who dont believe in God but find serenity and spirituality in other forms such as surfing Pentecostal Church in Sydney is one of the few beliefs that have grown in Australiabelief in the Holy Spirit/Ghost Very family friendly Church with song, dance etc. 11% of church-going Christians belong to the Pentecostal Church, which is very young 50% of church-goers are Catholic, but much older than those who go to the Pentecostal Church 10% of church-goers belong to the Anglican Church

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