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2 Eggs 1/2 tsp Red Chili Powder (Lal Mirchi) Salt to taste 2 tblsp Milk 1/2 tsp Curry Leaves Powder (Kari Patta) 1 tsp Oil
How to make fluffy omelette:

Seperate the egg whites and yolks in two bowls. Add the chilly powder, milk and the curry powder to the yolk. beat thoroughly with a wooden spoon and keep aside.

Beat the white of the eggs until fluffy and double the volume in a stainless steel basin.(use a balloon whisk or an egg beater- beat the egg white at the last moment just before you mix it with the yolks.

Add the yolk mixture to the egg whites. mix thoroughly. Heat the oil in a non stick pan and add the egg mixture. Cook on both sides till light brown in colour. Remove from the flame and serve hot.

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