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Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, in the United States of America; the fifth of August 1930. When he was only two years old, he went to his first air show and he earned his student pilot's license when he was sixteen. Armstrong was the spacecraft commander of two space missions: Gemini 8 and Apollo 11. Apollo 11 was a scientific mission by NASA and had to go to the moon whereas Gemini 8 had to dock with a target rocket called Agena. He served during the Korean War; he was an officer in the US Navy. Neil Armstrong is famous for the sentence he said when he put his feet on the lunar floor: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Mankind and especially because he's the first man who walked on the moon. During the Apollo 11 mission, that took place in 1969; the lunar module was named Eagle, like the national symbol, and the command module was called Columbia. The journey to the moon lasted 8 days, 3 hours and 18 minutes. But Neil Armstrong wasn't alone; there was a crew with him, including Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin Jr. alias Buzz. Neil Armstrong met her wife Janet in the Purdue University, then they got married in 1956 and they had 3 children: Eric in 1957, then Karen and Mark in 1959 But then Karen died due to pneumonia and brain tumors in 1962. In 1991, the couple got divorced and Neil Armstrong married his second wife Carol in 1994 and they lived in a farm in Ohio. Neil Armstrong died the 25th of August 2012, after a heart operation at 82 years old in Cincinnati, Ohio. Now Neil Armstrong have a museum what has his name and an airport too. He has, like his crew of the Apollo 11 mission, his star on Walk of Fame, in Hollywood. Barack Obama declared that Neil Armstrong will stay the greatest hero of the United States, forever...

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