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Baguilat Ralph Dane B.


The Dynamics of Politics, Economics and Geography During the early days of humanity, even before the existence of politics and economics, geography already have acted on its own way as it became a determinant on how civilizations exist , that produced politics and economics as we know today. Politics, economics and geography co-exist which each other and are co-determinant of progress of a nation-state. Politics is very much involved in economics as the determining the people who will be formulation economic policies are determined through politics- election. Legislation, program implementation and development planning are all functions of government of which politics has a grip. Its grip is very strong that an unstable political condition might cower the economy to a decline. That is why, at this point of time of the Aquino Administration and the advent of the Matuwid na Daan, many financial institutions have given the Philippines credit rating raise due to Pnoys anti-corruption drive. This invites foreign investors to the country that will contribute for the future of the country. Economics means business but is emphasized with many principles that will lead the economy to prosper, even still, economics is still business. Economy determines the financial capability of the country to provide the basic needs of the people. With an ailing economy, it means that many people are suffering poverty. This may lead to protests and rallies that if the quality of life is not alleviated, it may lead to a civil war, meaning political instability that might further drive away foreign investors and foreign aids. Geography on the other hand refers to the location/place, the people and their culture. Each place has a different political culture and an economic product. Geography also determines what kind of business in a place there should be. It is a question of whether to put up a farm in the middle of the city or build a mall in the middle of the forest. Ultimately, all of these three becomes the factors of a countrys path to progress.

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