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FROM: The Occupier (Your Address 01) Your Adress 02 (Town) (Postcode) Dated: (Enter Date) NOTICE TO CEASE

AND DESIST ALL COMMUNICATION WITH OCCUPIER The occupier of the above residence request that (Enter bailiff company name) cease and desist from making any further communication with them via letter, phone calls or doorstep visits. Any further unwanted communication from your company via any method, including contacting neighbours, council departments, landlords or any other third parties with regards to releasing information pertaining to the above address and its occupancy will be deemed as harassment and a breach of Data Protection principles. All rights to implied access to the above residency are removed in relation to any person or employee acting for on behalf of your company. Any subsequent visits to this address will be considered trespass. All telephone numbers related to the occupiers and / or the above address have been registered under the Telephone Preference Service. Any further communication via telephone or letter from your company will be reported to the Information Commissioners Office and / or Ofcom. There is no need to respond to this letter. Its signed delivery receipt shall be considered acknowledgement. Any response will be returned to your office at your cost. Subsequent letters will be retained relating to any charges brought against your company regarding harassment. The occupiers are not obliged to furnish you with any details or documentation regarding their identity or occupancy. Nor are they obligated to provide you with any details of previous or existing occupants, homeowners, landlords or there whereabouts. Any further visits or attempts by any means to extract information via any person or method sanctioned by your office will hold you liable for prosecution and costs. Should any debts be owed by a current or previous occupier / homeowner then reasonable attempt will be made to communicate with either the defendant and/or claimant stated on the original judgement to have the matter settled. No communication will be established with any debt collectors or outside agencies. From The occupier of above address

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