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Diego Santiana

6th A In April 4 asteroids will rub Earth in one day

April 5th, 2013

Four asteroids 'will rub' the Earth in one day in April. The experts explained that "several hundred asteroids are very close to the Earth every year", but is rare that nowadays so many of them are flying over the Earth in one day. The largest of the four discovered asteroids, the 4034 Vishnu, is 800 meters in diameter and is expected to pass about 23 million kilometers from the Earth's surface, while the closest asteroid, the EN-98, will pass at a distance of 5 million kilometers. Of the other two asteroids no information is transcendent. On the other hand, companies like Astrorank, which is assessing the composition of asteroids, have a different perspective of the cosmic event: the monetary value of the Vishnu 4034, largely composed of platinum nickel and iron, is $40.000000.000. This amount represents more than half the world's GDP (gross domestic product) in 2012.

Bibliography: abril_0_894510645.html

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