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The Right Way to Implement

Issue 1- Lack of Communication Solution Flatten the company structure enabling good information flow between the layers Conduct Interviews and meetings between the teams to get a clear idea about the practical work structure of the company.

Issue- Lack of Trust about the company and the Management

Employees should have been informed properly about the occurring changes. When reducing the number of employees they should have created a proper payment scheme.

Issue 3- Refusing to work under new Layouts

Culture by definition is the intangible Social Glue that holds everything together.
This can works as an advantage or a disadvantage for a company. Working in unity towards a common goal the culture is an advantage The resistance to change can be a disadvantage for the company.
E.g. (Employees refused to work under new layouts)

Culture Change
To change the culture

Clear strategic vision- Give purpose and direction to the change Have to change the perspective of the employees about the change. (E.g. Training Programs) Senior management should show their initiative- Encouraging and showing examples

To optimize the available work force Job Rotation- All the employees will be familiar with all aspects of the new layout Job Enhancement- New responsibilities Motivation- Drive them to archive targets

Thank you !!!!

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