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February, 7,2008


L'honorabfe Mac liart

The Honou rable Mac Harb

The Senate of Canada Finance 40 Elgin St. Room 1145 Ottawa, Ontario KIAOA4.
Attn: Ms. Melissa Lalonde

Dear Ms. Lalonde;

This is to confirm that as of January, 1,2008, I bave recently purchased a condominium . which is located at; 1380 Prince of Whales, unit 2401, ' . Ottawa, Ontario

I will be staying there o,yhen I'm

iD Ottawa.

If you need any further information, pl';"'e do not hesitate to contaci ~e at my offiCe at 613-996-2379. .

Thank you for your assistance.

'Tel. !Tel. (613) 996-2379

Fax I T~J6e. (613)996-2.318

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