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reb,gcbeg ft tg + 0 in HI s L Hi sb 0% a x = i We really believed, in a quasi-religious sense, in the perfectabilty ‘of human nature, in the role of architecture as @ weapon of social reform ... the coming utopia when everyone would live in cheap prefabricated flat-roofed multiple dwellings - heaven on earth. Utopian planned housing produced by a paternalistic authority were a financial and human disaster ‘The basis for the Utopian designs was “intuitive beliefes and Prejudices, embellished by unsupported theorising and made Contagious by sincerity, enthusiasm, fine phrases and attractive sketches, Creativity is not enough. It shoul also be rooted in reality ‘The segregation of... Radiant City developments, with spacious grounds, extensive parks, huge schools, big shoppping precincts, industrial estates and ‘cultural complexes, means that few destinations are within walking distance. Cars are needed for most purposes. [And so are] deprived of natural opportunities to bulld up 2 web of public acquaintanceship. ‘The prevailing atmosphere is one of anonymity. There is no accepted set of social mores, which means that some people agonise over what is acceptable behaviour, while others, at the opposite end of the scale, find no constraints to curb their excesses. In the Radiant City... mothers are more fearful about letting them out into an anonymous world of strangers. Children encounter restricted adult modes to imitate. Estate children live in an environment where the distinction between public and private is blurred by shared grounds,

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