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Firstly,i would like to deliver my praise belongs to Allah SWT,for without

Allah blessing,this article never would be finished. My praise belong to the
prophet Muhammad SAW who brought us from the darkness to the brightness
world that full of knowledge.
My greatest gratitude especially addresses for my beloved parent who
support me in spiritual and financial therefore i can study in Al-Muslim
University and My thanks to my lecturer,Mrs lainiwati S.pd, who taugh me since
from the first meeting until now so that i can made this article. The article is about
the translation. It consist of the definition of translation,kinds of translation and
how to teach the translation. I hope we can get the fungtion of this article and can
know everything about the translation.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation .............................................................. 1
CHAPTER II : EXPLANATION ................................................................. 2
2.1 Definition Of Translation ....................................................... 2
2.2 Kinds Of Translation .............................................................. 4
2.3 How To Teach Transltion ....................................................... 7
CHAPTER III : CLOSING ........................................................................... 9
3.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................... 9
3.2 Suggestions....................................................................................... 9

REFERENCE ................................................................................................... 10


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