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Historical Regatta of Venice, Italy:

The Historical Regatta is one of the most important celebrations in Venice and is held in the water. Water is the element representing the city.

This tradition has place in the largest channel of Venice, the Grand Canal. It is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in September. The boats used are called gondolas, and those currently competing in the race are similar to those were used originally. The crew also is dressed in traditional costumes.

At the end of the competencies, the Venice canals are filled with boats of various shapes and sizes where both Venetians and foreigners enjoy with joy and music.


The gondola is a light, long and narrow boat, which is driven by a single rowing located at the stern. The base of the boat is flat, the sides are prominent and pointy. Usually the gondolas are black, but when they are used for ceremonies are decorated with golden seahorses on both sides of it. The gondolas are asymmetrical, these are built by craftsmen. Build a gondola usually takes three months and costs about 25,000 dollars. For this purpose, nine types of wood: Elm tree, Hague, Oak Tree, Walnut, Fir Tree, Larch, Mahogany, Lime Tree, Cherry Tree.

The gondoliers clothing is special and consists of a black colored pants, a straw hat with a ribbon and the shirt is striped. During the ride, passengers are seated on the floor on cushions, but the gondolier goes stand and dominate the rowing to drive the boat.

At present, the event consists of two distinct phases: the historical parade and then competitive races.

The parade and its history

Since the fifties, the water parade that opens the event commemorates the triumphal reception that was given to the Queen of Cyprus, Caterina Cornaro on her arrival in the city in 1489, after the abdication of his throne in favor of Venice.

The parade includes dozens of traditional Venetian rowing boats, including one called "bissone", used only on these occasions, with rowers and people with traditional costumes, including Caterina Cornaro.

The boat parade is a procession that starts from the Bacino di San Marco and the Grand Canal, through the bridge of the Constitution, then turns to return to the starting point and then start rowing races, this stage is known as Machina.

The Venetians and tourists in the coasts and private residences overlooking the procession route, celebrate the parade with thousands of ovations and clapping

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