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1) Realize there's a time to stop being nice to save the rapport 2) Instant rapport technique 3) Use principal of fractination

- to a bit of rapport and back off, a bit and b ack off, so consistently you build a lot of large steps 4) Feel like the other person has something worthy of respect to say. Have a hig h unconditional regard for that person. This subconsciously makes them feel safe enough. Rapport is contextualized Wide rapport (rapport built in multiple contexts. Create wide rapport by meeting them in lots of different locations, or through your use of storytelling, about different types of topics ,themes and ideas) is better than deep rapport (drill ing deep into a shared topic) List of signs of trance - changes in their physiology from when you first starte d talking 1) Pupil dilation 2) Pulse - seen on veins like on side of neck, on ankle 3) Change in pattern of breathing - typically slower, sometimes might speed up. See it in peripheral vision in shoulders or chest 4) Facial features begin to smooth out as the muscles under the face begin to re lax and become symmetrical 5) People's attention is absorbed or fixated, the eyes have no movement, slightl y glaze. Change in blinking. 6) Swallowing changes - they begin to swallow quicker, and then slows down 7) Eyelids will begin to get heavy or fatigued 8) Immobility of movement. Their movements has slowed down and stopped 9) Muscle twitching 10) Changes in skin colour or tone - the blood flows more freely when they relax more, so their skin will change its tone to go lighter or darker 11) Voice will change - will be slower, a little bit different in tonality, and they may stop speaking all together 12) Increase in passive responses - they become less argumentative and more agre eable - more passive, more willing to follow your lead

Basics of rapport 1) Whenever you meet someone, smile 2) Make and maintain eye contact - purpose is ntact for as long as possible without looking ve - have friendly smiling eyes 3) Find agreement with someone else. The more 4) Infuse - use the power of your emotions to rself that people are attracted to.

to see if you can keep your eye co away and without becoming aggressi people agree with you build a wonderful state around you

Instant rapport technique 1) Remember a person you love, focus on the feeling and spread it until you feel it in your entire body, then imagine it spread outside your body, and then focu s on the other person, project the feeling through yourself like a colour or han d to touch first the outside of the person, and then inside to connect the two o f you together. While doing it, project the sense of goodwill and enjoyment

Increased sense of awareness 1) Focus on a point above eyelevel 2) Focus on differences between things on a specific point, till you feel a bit of tension 3) Then allow your eyes to relax, then vision will expand into peripheral vision 4) Then wrap that sense of vision around you so you have a sense of seeing 360 d egrees 5) Then do the same with hearing, allow it to hear more and more things around y ou 6) Then expand your sense of feelings to expand and fill up the whole room 7) Then combine all three feelings, so you feel entirely connected with everythi ng around you See people who are harmonized 1) Spot the people that are friends and watch their body language and see with b ody language who is harmozing and who isnt To see whether someone is agreeing or disagreeing with you 1) Begin by making random comments which they have to agree with, and make a few random ones they can't agree with 2) See what they do just before they speak. And if you can spot a pattern, that will tell you when they're agreeing with you and when they're disagreeing with y ou. You must catch the response that occurs just before they even speak To always be 1) Move very and up 2) Have them when theyre 3) This will aware of your environment slowly your hand over their head till they spot you and put their h do it to you throughout the course of hte day and you do it to them in the deepest trances train you to be aware of your environment all the time

Signal reading system to really read people 1) Go into a public place 2) Watch an individual doing something - whatever, like buying coffee etc 3) Based off what they're wearing, how they're moving, voice tonality, make gues ses and make up a story about what person they are, what they do for a living, a nd what they like and dislike, what they admire and dislike. You can base this o n their jewellery, mannerism, clues, anything. 4) After a while, start talking to them "Hey, you strike me as the kind of perso n that _____" whether they agree with you or disagree with you is irrelevant. Th e point is it will refine your ability to guess what people are like based on ho w they dress, how they do things, etc

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