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Jaime Sanchez 6-6-13 l-Search Paper


Paul Healy

What I know/Want to know:

What I already know about the issues with homosexuality in hip-hop is that many artists say that homosexuality and gay rappers might never be accepted in the hip-hop world. One of the most notable people to have said this is Snoop Lion (previously known as Snoop Dogg) during an interview.
The legendary rapper stated, "Frank's [Frank Ocean] a singer. lt's acceptable in the singing world, but in the rap world l don't knoy if it ever will be because rap is so masculine. lt's like a football team, You can't be in a locker

room full of motherf**king tough-a** dudes, then all of a sudden say, 'Hey, 'man, I li\e you.'You know, that's going to be tough." Another very

important thing to know is that local R&B/Hip-hop artist and member of the local hip-hop group, Odd Future, Frank Ocean announced that he was bisexual a couple months back. Some people were shocked but others were

already suspicious about it since in his album, "Channel Orange", he refers

to his first love as "he" in various love songs instead of "she" as most people expected him to do. Also, local hip-hop artist, Macklemore, and his
partner in cr.ime/producer, Ryan Lewis, are very supportive about gay rights and try to do whateverthey can to help homosexuals in their path to equality. They most notably demonstrated this in their song, "Same Love", which featured lesbian singer Mary Lambert, where Macklemore rapped

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