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Nurul Idha End Of Term 3 Questions Ramadhaan

1. What is the meaning of fasting? Linguistic and legal definition. 2. Ramadhaan is the ....... month of the Islamic calendar. 3. The intention of fasting is conditional because.... 4. What are the three types of Fardh (obligatory) fasts? 5. Explain, what is a Wajib (necessary) type of fast? 6. What is Sawm-e-Dawood? 7. What are the three things that validate the fast? 8. What are the conditions which render fasting obligatory? 9. The day of doubt is when? 10.State five things that which nullify the fast and necessitate the expiation? 11.Mention two situations when a person is not fasting but is required to abstain from eating for the reminder of the day? 12.If one is old and frail and cannot fast, then what should he do? 13. What is the fidya for each day of fasting? 14.Name the three types of Itikaaf. 15.Fasting is a condition for which type of Itikaaf? 16.Tarwiha is the name given to the ...... 17.What is the rule for praying the Taraweeh in a group? 18.Tarweeh is 20 Rakaats. Give proof through the Ahadith and linguistically. 19.The valid time to perform the Eid prayer is when? 20.Mention the number of additional takbirs in Eid salah according to the four Imams? 21.If a person joins the Eid salah while the Imam is in ruku. When does this flower say the additional takbirs? 22.It is Sunnah to recite which surahs in Eid salah? 23.What is the Islamic date for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha? 24.According to the Sahibain, what is the ruling for the takbir-e-tashriq? 25.How much is Sadqah al-Fitr?

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