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6/19/13 10:16 PM

y name is Sam Ko. Next year will be a fresh start for me as a freshman in high school in Seoul. My goal is to obtain a position as a medical and public social worker in diverse backgrounds and illnesses where I need to counsel different people who are in need for help. Ever since I was a 5th grader, I had interest in medical education, and was inspired from a biography I had read recently. This is my career plan to help me reach my goal. College I would love to go to a university in America or England, preferably one of the Ivy League if possible. I would need to major in health in general and I also have in mind of studying forensic science. Jobs As an intern, I would like to apply for as an assistant in a college hospital. Then for an actual job, I would love to be a professional doctor who will be able to cure many people who are in need for help. 18 21 27 28 35 40 Graduate High School Intern as an assistant in a hospital A professional doctor Become a medical & public health social worker Help others in different countries Assist future students



From Beginning to End

True Joy

From Beginning to End First of all, I will start out as an assistant of a doctor, maybe a surgeon if I get the opportunity. Then when I gain enough experience to fix others alone, I am planning to join a team who have similar objectives like me and help many others. True Joy Most likely, I will still be helping others as a professional doctor at this point. During this time, I will train future students who are interested in being a medical worker by giving him or her opportunities as I travel around the country searching for patients who need help, but do not have the money to afford such a high price. I find true joy helping out others, and I will continue my job until the time comes.

Qualities to Thrive o Determination o Meticulous o Passionate

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