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INFINITIVE 1. arise 2. bear 3. beat 4. bend 5. bet 6. bite 7. bleed 8. blow 9. breed 10. broadcast 11. burn 12. burst 13. can * 14. cast 15. cling 16. creep 17. deal 18. dig 19. fall 20. fight 21. fly 22. forbid 23. forgive 24. forsake 25. freeze 26. grind 27. grow 28. hang 29. hear 30. hide 31. hold 32. hurt 33. keep 34. kneel 35. knit PAST arose bore beat bent bet betted bit bled blew bred broadcast burnt burned burst could cast clung crept dealt dug fell fought flew forbade forgave forsook froze ground grew hung hanged ** heard hid held hurt kept knelt knit PARTICIPLE arisen born beaten bent bet betted bitten bit bled blown bred broadcast burnt burned burst (been able to) cast clung crept dealt dug fallen fought flown forbidden forgiven forsaken frozen ground grown hung hanged ** heard hid held hurt kept knelt knitten SPANISH levantarse, surgir llevar, soportar batir, golpear doblar apostar morder sangrar soplar criar, educar retransmitir, difundir quemar, arder reventar, estallar poder fundir, tirar aferrarse, adherirse arrastrarse, reptar Tratar (pactar) cavar caer(se) luchar, pelear(se) volar prohibir perdonar abandonar congelar moler, triturar crecer, cultivar colgar, estar colgado colgar ** (a una persona) or esconder sostener, agarrar herir, doler mantener, guardar arrodillarse unir

36. lay 37. lead 38. lean 39. learn 40. let 41. lie 42. light 43. lose 44. mow 45. put 46. pay 47. quit 48. ride 49. ring 50. rise 51. say 52. seek 53. sell 54. send 55. set 56. sew 57. shake 58. shed 59. shine 60. shoot 61. show 62. shut 63. sing 64. sink 65. sit 66. sleep 67. slide 68. sling 69. smell 70. sow 71. speed

laid led leant leaned learnt learned let lay lit lost mowed put paid quit quitted rode rang rose said sought sold sent set sewed shook shed shone shot showed shut sang sank sat slept slid slung smelt smelled sowed sped

laid led leant leaned learnt learned let lay lit lost mowed mown put paid quit quitted ridden rung risen said sought sold sent set sewn sewed shaken shed shone shot shown shut sung sunk sat slept slid slung smelt smelled sown sowed sped

poner guiar, dirigir inclinarse, apoyarse aprender permitir, dejar, alquilar reposar iluminar, encender perder segar poner pagar parar, dejar montar, cabalgar sonar, tocar el timbre alzar, levantar decir buscar vender enviar poner, colocar coser sacudir, agitar derramar brillar disparar mostrar cerrar cantar hundirse sentarse, estar sentado dormir deslizarse, resbalar tirar oler sembrar acelerar, ir a toda prisa

speeded 72. spell 73. spend 74. spill 75. spin 76. spit 77. split 78. spoil 79. spread 80. spring 81. stand 82. steal 83. stick 84. stink 85. string 86. strive 87. swear 88. sweep 89. swell 90. swing 91. tear 92. throw 93. thrust 94. wake 95. wear 96. weave 97. weep 98. wet 99. wind 100. wring spelt spelled spent spilt spilled spun spat split spoilt spread sprang stood stole stuck stank strung strove swore swept swelled swung tore threw thrust woke wore wove wept wet wetted wound wrung

speeded spelt spelled spent spilt spilled spun spat split spoilt spread sprung stood stolen stuck stunk strung striven sworn swept swollen swelled swung torn thrown thrust woken worn woven wept wet wetted wound wrung deletrear pasar (tiempo) gastar (dinero) derramar hilar, girar escupir dividir, partir estropear esparcir, untar saltar, brotar estar o ponerse de pie robar pegar, adherir apestar, oler mal atar con cuerda esforzarse, ingenirselas jurar barrer hinchar(se) balancearse, columpiarse rasgar lanzar, arrojar meter, empujar despertar llevar puesto tejer llorar, sollozar mojar dar cuerda, enrollar retorcer

Phrasal verbs para 5 y 6

Phrasal Verb A abide by account for add up advise against agree with aim at allow for answer back appeal to apply for avail (oneself) of Meaning Example respect or obey. (the law, a decision, If you want to stay at this school, you must abide by a rule) the rules. explain, give a reason make sense, seem reasonable recommend not doing something I hope you can account for the money you spent! Her story just doesn't add up. The doctor advised him against carrying heavy loads.

have the same opinion as somebody I agree with you. I think she deserves the award too. else. point something in the direction of a target take into consideration, include in a calculation reply rudely The policeman aimed his gun at the hijacker. You'd better leave early to allow for traffic jams. Don't answer back your mother!

1) The organizers appealed to the crowd to stay 1) plead or make an earnest request calm. 2) be attractive or interesting 2) A trekking holiday doesn't appeal to me. make a formal request for something He applied for the job he saw advertised in the (job, permit, loan etc.) newspaper. When the company is privatized, you should avail take advantage of something (an yourself of opportunity) the opportunity and buy some shares.

B back away move backwards, in fear or dislike back down withdraw, concede defeat 1) give support or encouragement 2) make a copy of (file, program, etc.) 1) pay money to secure someone's release 2) rescue from financial difficulties base your hopes on someone/something improve, make more substantial

When he saw the dog, he backed away. Local authorities backed down on their plans to demolish the building. 1) If I tell the boss we've got too much work, will you back me up? 2) It is recommended to back up all files in a secure location. 1) When he was arrested, his family refused to bail him out. 2) The government bailed out the bank. Don't forget the date. I'm banking on your help. He beefed up his presentation with diagrams and statistics.

back up

bail out bank on beef up

black out faint, lose consciousness block off blow up Separate using a barrier. 1) explode; 2) be destroyed by an explosion

When he fell off the horse he blacked out. The area was blocked off during the demonstration. 1) The terrorists said the bomb would blow up at 9 o'clock. 2) The car blew up but luckily there was nobody in it. The problem boils down to a lack of money. Just give my a few minutes to boot up the computer. A few horses broke away from the paddock.

boil down be summarized as to boot up break away break down start a computer by loading an operating system or program. escape from captivity

1) John's car broke down so he had to take the bus. 1) go out of order, cease to function 2) The parents broke down when they heard the bad 2) lose control of one's emotions news. Burglars broke into the house around midnight. Rioting broke out as a result of the strike. Three prisoners broke out of jail. After her marriage broke up, Emma went to live in London. She stopped working in order to bring up her children.

break into enter by force break out start suddenly break out escape from a place by force of break up bring up brush up on come to an end (marriage, relationship) raise (a child)

improve, refresh one's knowledge of Mary had to brush up on her Spanish before going to something South America. Pedro bumped into his English teacher at the bump into meet by accident or unexpectedly supermarket. 1) stop (something) working 1) The fuse has burnt out. burn out 2) become exhausted from over2) Tom will burn himself out if he doesn't slow down. working butt in (on It's rude to butt in on a conversation like that! interrupt impolitely sthg)

C call back call off call on/upon sby calm down carry on

return a phone call cancel formally invite or request

I'll call you back as soon as possible. The meeting was called off because of the strike. I now call upon the President to address the assembly.

become more relaxed, less angry or He was angry at first but he eventually calmed down. upset continue He carried on gardening in spite of the rain.

carry out

1) do something as specified (a plan, an order, a threat) 2) perform or conduct (test, experiment)

1) The plan was carried out to perfection. 2) Tests are carried out to determine the efficiency of a new drug. As regards holidays, can you carry over any days from one year to the next? For security reasons you have to check in two hours before your flight. 1) Is Mr. Blair still at the hotel? No, he checked out this morning. 2) I don't know if the address is still valid. I'll check it out. When the teacher arrived she clammed up. The government has decided to clamp down on smoking in public places.

carry over postpone until later check in register at a hotel or airport 1) pay one's bill and leave (a hotel) 2) investigate refuse to speak act strictly to prevent something

check out

clam up clamp down on close down come across come forward come up against conk out count on

stop operating (company, restaurant, When the factory closed down, the employees lost cinema). their jobs. 1) Julie came across some photographs of her 1) find by chance grandparents in the attic. 2) appear, seem, make an 2) The candidate came across as a dynamic person impression during the interview. The police have asked any witnesses to come present oneself forward. be faced with or opposed by 1) stop working 2) stop or fall asleep (from exhaustion) rely or depend on (for help) The project came up against a lot of criticism. 1) The car conked out on the motorway. 2) He was so exhausted, he conked out in front of the TV. I'm counting on the taxi driver to find the theatre. In some exercises, you are asked to cross out the incorrect word. The doctor told him to cut down on cigarettes. 1) She cut out a picture in a magazine. 2) I'm going to cut out eating between meals.

cross out remove by drawing a line through cut down reduce in number or size on cut out 1) remove using scissors 2) stop doing something

D deal with die down

handle, take care of (problem, situation) calm down, become less strong

The manager is good at dealing with difficult customers. When the applause died down, she started to sing. The shops are closed so we'll have to do without sugar. We expected a short speech but it dragged on and on!

do without manage without drag on last longer than expected

draw up dress up drop in drop off drop out

An agreement was drawn up and signed by the two parties. 1) Do people dress up to go to the opera in your 1) wear elegant clothes country? 2) disguise oneself 2) Children love to dress up at Halloween. I sometimes drop in to see my grandparents on my visit, usually on the way somewhere way home from school. write (contract, agreement, document) 1) deliver someone or something 2) fall asleep leave school without finishing 1) I'll drop you off at the bus stop if you like. 2) Granddad often drops off in front of the TV. She decided to go to art school then dropped out after the first term.

E ease off end in end up even out

reduce, become less severe or slow After Christmas the workload generally eases off. down (pain, traffic, work) finish in a certain way; result in Their marriage ended in divorce.

finally reach a state, place or action If he continues his misconduct he'll end up in prison. 1) eliminate differences of opinion. 2) become level or regular 1) After a long discussion they managed to even out their differences. 2) The road was evened out to make it safer.

fall through

fail; doesn't happen

Our planned boat trip fell through because of the storm. I'm trying to figure out how to assemble the bookshelves. Please fill out the enclosed form and return it as soon as possible. I'm going to call the cinema to find out what time the film starts. The advertising campaign will focus on the quality of the product. We'll have to figure out a way to deliver the goods faster.

figure out understand, find the answer fill out find out focus on complete (a form/an application) discover or obtain information concentrate on something

figure out understand; find a solution

get along be on good terms; work well with (with) get at get away get by imply escape manage to cope or to survive

I get along (well) with my mother-in-law. What exactly are you trying to get at? The robbers got away in a black car. It's difficult to get by on a low salary.

get in get into (+noun) get off get on

enter enter 1) leave (bus, train, plane) 2) remove board (bus, train, plane)

How did the burglar get in? How did the burglar get into the house? 1) You should get off the bus at Trafalgar Square. 2) She can't get the stain off her sweater. You can pay when you get on the bus. Be quiet and get on with your homework. I get on very well with my colleagues. How did he get out? How did he get out of the house? Some husbands manage to get out of doing any housework. My grandmother had pneumonia but she got over it. It's difficult to get rid of old habits. Let's get together for lunch on day. I usually get up at 7 o'clock. Sarah gave up smoking 5 years ago. Pete went through a lot of pain after the accident. He grew up in a small village in the mountains.

get on with continue to do; make progress (something) get on (well) with have a good relationship with (somebody) get out leave

get out of leave (+noun) get out of avoid doing something get over get rid of get together get up give up recover from (illness, disappointment) eliminate meet each other rise, leave bed stop doing something

go through experience grow up spend one's childhood; develop; become an adult

H hand in hand out hang out hang up hit at hit back

submit (report, homework) distribute spend time in a particular place, or with a group of friends end a phone conversation aim a blow at retaliate; reply to an attack

All application forms must be handed in before the end of the month. Samples will be handed out at the end of the demonstration. Where does he hang out these days? Who does he hang out with? "Don't hang up. I haven't finished yet." He hit at the wasp with the newspaper. When he was attacked by the others, the boy hit back.

hit on/upon hold on hurry up

find unexpectedly or by inspiration -wait -grip tightly be quick, act speedily

She hit upon an idea for her new collection. - 'Hold on please. I'll put you through to Mr. Brown." - She held on to the railing as she crossed the bridge. Hurry up! We'll miss the bus.

I iron out

resolve by discussion, eliminate differences

The meeting tomorrow will be an opportunity to iron out difficulties.

J join in join up jot down

participate -engage in, become a member of - meet and unite with take quick notes

She was too shy to join in the game. - John was in the Army and Tom joined up as soon as he left school. - The two groups of tourists joined up at the hotel. I jotted down the address while watching the programme on TV.

K keep on keep up with kick off

continue doing something stay at the same level as someone or something begin, start

It told him to be quiet but he kept on making noise. Bill walks so fast it's difficult to keep up with him. The football match kicked off at 3 o'clock.

L leave out let down

omit, not mention disappoint

The child's name was left out of the report. You promised to come to the party, so don't let me down! A babysitter looks after the children when they go out. It's time to forget the past and look ahead. He tends to look down on anyone who is not successful. Billy didn't take part in the fight. He just looked on. Jane went to the shops to look for a pair of shoes. I look forward to seeing you soon.

look after take care of look ahead think of the future look down consider as inferior on look on look for be a spectator at an event try to find something

look await or anticipate with pleasure forward to

look up to admire

He was a wonderful teacher and many students looked up to him.

make fun laugh at/ make jokes about of make up mix up move in move out invent (excuse, story) mistake one thing or person for another arrive in a new home or office leave your home/office for another one.

The old lady dresses so strangely that the kids make fun of her. Some employees make up excuses when they arrive late for work. I don't know my neighbours' names yet. I keep mixing them up. You've bought a new house? When are you moving in?. My neighbour is leaving. He's moving out next Saturday.

N nod off

fall asleep

My grandfather often nods off in front of the television. I'll call the station and note down the departure times.

note down write something

O opt out own up

leave a system or decide not to participate admit or confess something

I enjoy tennis but I'm so busy I had to opt out of the tournament. The boy owned up. He said he kicked the ball through the window.

P pass away die pass out pay back put off put on put out put up pick up point out faint reimburse postpone, arrange a later date turn on, switch on extinguish accommodate, give somebody a bed collect somebody

The old lady passed away peacefully. She passed out when she heard the bad news. I'll lend you 20 provided you pay me back before the end of the week. The meeting was put off because of the strike. Could you put on the light please? It took a long time to put out the fire. We can put you up if you'd like to come for a weekend. I'll pick you up at the station when you arrive.

indicate/direct attention to something She pointed out the mistake.

R rely on rule out run away run into

count on, depend on, trust eliminate escape from a place or suddenly leave meet by accident or unexpectedly (also: bump into)

Don't worry. You can rely on me. I can keep a secret. The police ruled out political motives. He ran away from home at the age of fourteen. Sophie ran into Maria at the shopping centre. What a nuisance! We've run out of coffee.

run out of have no more of something.

S set off set up shop around show off show up

start a journey; start a business compare prices brag or want to be admired appear/arrive

Early Saturday morning we set off for the ski slopes . She set up her own company 10 years ago. It's always wise to shop around before buying anything. There's David showing off in his new sports car! We expected David to come but he didn't show up. Oh shut up, you idiot! Please come in and sit down. The pupils stood up when the headmaster arrived. It's important to stick up for one's principles.

shut up be silent, stop talking (impolite) sit down stand up stick up for take a seat rise from a sitting position defend

T take after take care of take off take on take out tell off

resemble, in appearance or character look after leave the ground hire or engage staff remove; extract reprimand/criticize severely

Jamie really takes after his dad. I'll take care of your plants while you're away. The plane took off at 6 a.m. Business is good so the company is taking on extra staff. She took out a pen to note the address. The teacher told her off for not doing her homework.

think over consider try on wear something to see if it suits or fits

I'll have to think over the proposal before I decide. I'm not sure about the size. Can I try it on? I couldn't turn down an offer like that!

turn down refuse

U use up

finish a product (so that there's none The kids have used up all the toothpaste. left)

V vouch for

express confidence in, or guarantee You can give the keys to Andy. I can vouch for him. something

W watch out be careful wear out work out wipe off 1) become unusable 2) become very tired 1) do physical exercise 2) find a solution or calculate something clean (board, table).

Watch out! There's a car coming. 1) Julie wore out her shoes visiting the city. 2) At the end of the day Julie was worn out. 1) I work out twice a week at the gym club. 2) It's expensive but I haven't worked out the exact cost yet. The teacher asked Lee to wipe off the board.

(to) eat away: roer, carcomer, corroer, desgastar. (to) eat into: corroer, comerse. (to) eat out: comer fuera, cenar fuera. (to) eat up: comerse, consumir, tragar, devorar. (to) egg on: animar, incitar. (to) end in: acabar en, terminar con. (to) end off: acabar, terminar, ir a parar. (to) face up to: afrontar, enfrentar, enfrentarse a.

(to) fall about: troncharse, partirse (de risa). (to) fall apart: romperse, deshacerse, caerse a pedazos. (to) fall away: disminuir/desaparecer/desprenderse. (to) fall back: retroceder, retirarse. (to) fall back on to: recurrir a, echar mano de, apoyarse en. (to) fall behind: retrasarse, quedarse atrs, rezagarse. (to) fall behind with: retrasarse. (to) fall down: caer, caerse/ hundirse, derrumbarse, venirse abajo/fallar/ dejarse engaar por, picar. (to) fall in love: enamorarse de. (to) fall in: desplomarse, venirse abajo/ alinearse, formar filas, ponerse en filas. (to) fall in with: encontrarse con, juntarse con/convenir en, aprobar, aceptar (to) fall into: dividirse en, clasificarse en/ adquirir. (to) fall off: bajar, disminuir/ empeorar/ desprenderse, caerse. (to) fall on: incidir en, recaer en, tocar a/atacar, caer sobre. (to) fall out: reir/ pelearse /romper filas/ caerse. (to) fall over: caer, tropezar con/ caerse (to) fall through: fracasar, quedar en nada. (to) fall to: empezar a, ponerse a/ corresponder a, incumbir a, tocar a. (to) fall under: clasificarse en, estar incluido,-a en. (to) feel for: compadecer a, compadecerse de. (to) feel up to: sentirse con nimos para, sentirse con fuerzas para.

(to) figure on: contar con, esperar.

(to) figure out: comprender, explicarse/ resolver, calcular. (to) fill in: rellenar/poner al corriente. (to) fill in for: sustituir a. (to) fill out: engordar/rellenar. (to) fill up: llenar/ llenarse. (to) find out: preguntar, averiguar/ enterarse de/ calar, pillar, descubrir el juego/ informarse/ enterarse (to) get about: moverse, desplazarse, salir/ viajar/ difundirse. (to) get across: cruzar/ atravesar/ hacer comprender, hacer entender/ hacerse entender. (to) get ahead: adelantar, progresar. (to) get along: arreglrselas, aparselas/ marcharse, irse. (to) get along with: llevarse (bien) con/ marchar, ir con. (to) get around: moverse, desplazarse/ viajar/ difundirse/ evitar, sortear. (to) get around to: encontrar tiempo para. (to) get at: alcanzar, llegar a/ insinuar/ criticar/ meterse con. (to) get away: escaparse, irse/ alejar, quitar, sacar. (to) get away with: salir impune de. (to) get back: volver, regresar/ moverse hacia atrs, retroceder/ recuperar. (to) get behind: atrasarse. (to) get by: arreglrselas/ pasar. (to) get down: deprimir, desanimar/bajar/ apuntar, anotar/tragar/bajarse. (to) get down to: ponerse a. (to) get in: llegar/entrar/subir/ser elegido,-a/ meter/recoger, cosechar/ recoger/comprar/llamar.

(to) get into: llegar a, entrar en/ subir a. (to) get off: quitarse/ bajarse de/ bajarse/ salir/ comenzar/ escaparse. (to) get off with: ligar. (to) get on: subir a, subirse a, montar a/progresar, avanzar, ir/tener xito/ llevarse bien, avenirse, entenderse/ seguir, continuar/ hacerse mayor, envejecerse. (to) get on for: ser casi. (to) get on to: ponerse en contacto con, localizar/ empezar a hablar de, pasar a. (to) get out: sacar/quitar/salir/bajar de, bajarse de/escapar(se)/llegar a saberse, hacerse pblico,-a. (to) get out of: librarse de/ dejar, perder la costumbre. (to) get over: recuperarse de/ sobreponerse a/ salvar/ vencer/ comunicar, hacer comprender. (to) get over with: acabar con. (to) get round: salvar/ evitar, soslayar/ convencer, persuader/ difundirse, hacerse pblico,-a, llegar a saber. (to) get round to: encontrar tiempo para. (to) get through: llegar/ conseguir hablar ((to, con))/ hacerse comprender ((to, a))/ acabar, terminar/ consumir/gastar/ beber/aprobar. (to) get together: reunirse, juntarse/juntar, reunir/ montar/ recoger, reunir. (to) get up: levantarse/ subir/ levantarse/despertar/ disfrazarse. (to) get up to: hacer/ llegar a (to) give away: distribuir, repartir/regular/entregar/delatar, traicionar/revelar, descubrir. (to) give back: devolver. (to) give in: darse por vencido,-a, rendirse/ceder/entregar. (to) give in to: ceder ante.

(to) give off: despedir, desprender, emitir. (to) give onto: dar a. (to) give out: distribuir, repartir/ anunciar/ acabarse, agotarse/ averiarse, sufrir una avera. (to) give over: entregar/ dedicar, asignar/ dejar de. (to) give up: dejar/ abandonar, renunciar a /ceder, renunciar/entregarse/ darse por vencido,-a, rendirse. (to) give up on: abandonar, desistir. (to) go about: emprender, hacer/ continuar. (to) go after: perseguir, andar tras. (to) go against: ir en contra de/ser desfavorable a. (to) go ahead: proceder. (to) go ahead with: proceder. (to) go along: pasar por/ progresar, ir/ ir. (to) go along with: estar de acuerdo con. (to) go around: bastar, ser suficiente, haber/ correr, circular/ ir, andar/ salir ((with, con))/ andar ((with, con))/ girar, dar vueltas/ recorrer. (to) go away: marcharse. (to) go back: volver, regresar/datar de/ remontarse a. (to) go back on: romper, no cumplir. (to) go by: pasar/ atenerse a, seguir/ dejarse llevar por/ juzgar por. (to) go down: bajar/ deshincharse/ ponerse/ hundirse/ ser acogido,-a. (to) go down with: coger, pillar. (to) go for: atacar/ ir a buscar/ gustar/ valer para. (to) go in: entrar. (to) go in for: participar en, tomar parte en/ presentarse a/ dedicarse a/ ser

partidario,-a de. (to) go into: entrar en/ investigar/ chocar contra. (to) go off: marcharse/ estallar/ sonar/ dispararse/ estropearse, pasarse/ cortarse/ apagarse/ perder el gusto por, perder el inters por. (to) go off with: escaparse con. (to) go on: seguir, continuar/ pasar, ocurrir/ quejarse/ hablar sin parar/ encenderse/ estar a punto de cumplir. (to) go out: salir/ apagarse. (to) go over: revisar, repasar. (to) go over to: pasarse a/ cambiar a, pasar a. (to) go round: dar vueltas, girar/ pasar por casa de, visitar. (to) go through: pasar por, sufrir, padecer/ examiner/ registrar/ gastar/ explicar/ ser aprobado,-a. (to) go through with: llevar a cabo. (to) go towards: destinar a, reservar para. (to) go under: hundirse/ fracasar. (to) go up: subir/ acercarse/ levantarse/ estallar/ to go up in flames, incendiarse. (to) go with: acompaar/ ir con, estar incluido,-a/ hacer juego con. (to) go without: pasar sin, prescindir de. (to) grow apart: distanciarse. (to) grow away from: distanciarse de. (to) grow into: convertirse en, hacerse. (to) grow on: llegar a gustar. (to) grow out of: perder, quitarse/ quedarle pequeo,-a a. (to) grow up: hacerse mayor/ criarse, crecer/ surgir, nacer, desarrollarse.

(to) hand around: repartir, ofrecer, pasar. (to) hand back: devolver. (to) hand down: transmitir/ pasar/ dejar en herencia. (to) hand in: entregar/ presentar, notificar. (to) hand on: transmitir, heredar: (give) pasar, dar. (to) hand out: repartir, distribuir/ dar/ aplicar. (to) hand over: entregar/ ceder. (to) hang about / hang around: esperar/ perder el tiempo/ frecuentar. (to) hang back: quedarse atrs/ vacilar. (to) hang down: colgar, caer. (to) hang on: agarrarse/ esperar. (to) hang out: tender/ soler estar. (to) hang up: colgar/ colgar. (to) have on: llevar puesto,-a/ tomar el pelo a. (to) have out: sacarse/ operarse de. (to) hold back: retener/ ocultar/ contener/ reprimir/ guarder/ vacilar, no atreverse/ abstenerse. (to) hold down: dominar/ desempear. (to) hold forth: hablar largo y tendido ((on/about, sobre)). (to) hold off: mantener alejado,-a/ refrenarse. (to) hold on: agarrarse fuerte, agarrarse bien/ esperar/ no colgar. (to) hold on to: cogerse a, agarrarse a/ guardar. (to) hold out: tender, ofrecer/ durar/ resistir. (to) hold over: aplazar. (to) hold up: atracar, as altar/ retrasar/ levanter/ aguantar, sostener/

aguantar, resistir. (to) hold with: estar de acuerdo con. (to) iron out: planchar/ resolver, solucionar. (to) jack in: dejar, colgar. (to) jack off: menersela/ masturbar. (to) jack up: levantar con gato/ subir. (to) jump at: aceptar sin pensarlo. (to) keep at: perseverar en algo/ no dejar en paz, machacar. (to) keep away: mantener a distancia ((from, de)), no dejar a uno acercarse ((from, a))/ mantenerse a distancia, evitar contacto con. (to) keep back: retener, guardar/ ocultar, no revelar/ contener/ tener a raya/ estorbar, impedir/ mantener atrs, contener/ mantenerse atrs, alejarse. (to) keep down: oprimir, sujetar/ mantener bajo/ limitar, controlar/ mantener en el estmago/ agacharse, no levantar la cabeza. (to) keep from: abstenerse de, guardarse de. (to) keep in: no dejar salir/ hacer quedar/ contener/ costear, pagar. (to) keep in with: mantener buenas relaciones con. (to) keep off: mantenerse a distancia/ no llover/ no dejar entrar, no dejar acercarse/ no tocar, no hablar de. (to) keep on: seguir, continuar/ no quitarse. (to) keep on about: insistir en, no parar de hablar de. (to) keep out: no dejar entrar, no dejar pasar/ no entrar. (to) keep out of: no entrar en/ no meterse en. (to) keep to: atenerse a, cumplir/ no dejar, no salir de. (to) keep together: mantenerse juntos,-as, no separarse. (to) keep under: tener subyugado.

(to) keep up: mantener, seguir/ mantener despierto,-a, tener en vela/ aguantar el ritmo/ mantenerse al da. (to) keep up with: seguir/ mantenerse al corriente de/ mantener el contacto con. (to) kick against something: protestar contra, reaccionar contra. (to) kick around: andar por ah/ dar vueltas a. (to) kick in: romper a patadas. (to) kick off: sacar, hacer el saque inicial/ empezar, comenzar/ empezar, comenzar, iniciar/ quitarse. (to) kick out: echar a uno. (to) knock about: rodar, recorrer/ andar con/ pegar, maltratar: (to) knock around: to knock about. (to) knock back: beberse de un trago, rpidamente o en grandes cantidades/ soplar, costar. (to) knock down: derribar/ atropellar/ derribar/ rebajar/ adjudicar ((to, a)). (to) knock off: tirar, hacer caer/ birlar, mangar, chorizar, afanar/ cargarse, liquidar/ descontar/ quitar/ acabar, salir del trabajo. (to) knock out: dejar sin conocimiento/ dejar dormido,-a/ poner fuera de combate, dejar K.O./ eliminar/ hacer rpidamente, producir rpidamente/ dejar pasmado,-a, dejar boquiabierto,-a: (to) knock over: volcar, tirar/ atropellar. (to) knock together: hacer de prisa, hacer rpidamente/ entrechocarse. (to) knock up: despertar, llamar/ hacer de prisa, preparar/ dejar embarazada/ pelotear. (to) lay about: agredir. (to) lay aside: dejar a un lado/ dejar de lado. (to) lay before: presentar. (to) lay by: guarder/ ahorrar. (to) lay down: dejar, soltar/ entregar/ imponer, fijar/ sentar/ guardar.

(to) lay in: proveerse de. (to) lay into: atacar. (to) lay off: despedir/ dejar en paz, dejar de molestar/ parar. (to) lay on: facilitar, suministrar/ cargar. (to) lay out: tender, extender/ disponer, colocar/ presentar, exponer/ hacer el trazado de/ disear/ dejar fuera de combate/ desembolsar. (to) lay over: hacer una parada ((at/in, en)): (plane) hacer escala ((at/in, en)). (to) lay up: almacenar. (to) leave off: dejar de/ acabar, terminar. (to) leave out: omitir, excluir/ excluir. (to) let down: bajar/ alargar/ desinflar/ fallar, defraudar. (to) let in: dejar entrar. (to) let into: dejar entrar / incrustar en/ revelar. (to) let off: dejar/ hacer explotar/ hacer estallar/ perdonar/ dejar marcharse/ dejar en libertad. (to) let on: decir, descubrir/ hacer ver. (to) let out: dejar salir/ soltar ((from, de))/ soltar: he let out a shriek of pain, solt un grito de dolor/ ensanchar/ divulgar, hacer pblico,-a/ alquilar. (to) let through: dejar pasar. (to) let up: parar. (to) let up on: dejar en paz. (to) look after: ocuparse de, atender a/ cuidar (de). (to) look ahead: mirar hacia adelante. (to) look at: mirar, considerer/ mirar. (to) look back: mirar atrs.

(to) look down on: despreciar. (to) look for: buscar. (to) look forward to: esperar (con ansia). (to) look in on: pasar (un momento) por. (to) look into: investigar. (to) look on: considerer/observar. (to) look like: parecerse a. (to) look onto: dar a. (to) look out: ir con cuidado, buscarse. (to) look out for: esperar, estar al tanto. (to) look over: mirar por encima. (to) look round: volver la cabeza/ mirar/ mirar/ visitar. (to) look through: revisar/ ojear. (to) look to: contar con/ centrarse en. (to) look up: mejorar/ consultar, buscar/ ir a ver. (to) look up to: respetar. (to) make after: seguir a, perseguir a. (to) make for: dirigirse hacia/ abalanzarse sobre/ contribuir a, crear, conducir a. (to) make into: convertir en, transformar en. (to) make of: pensar, opinar, parecer/ entender/ dar importancia a. (to) make off: escaparse, largarse, huir. (to) make off with / make away with: llevarse, escaparse con. (to) make out: hacer/ extender, hacer/ redactor/ distinguir, divisar/ descifrar/ entender, comprender/ pretender, hacerse pasar por/ arreglrselas, aparselas/ darse el lote, pegarse el lote.

(to) make over: ceder, transferir, traspasar/convertir, transformar. (to) make up: inventar/hacer/ montar/ preparer/ componer/ confeccionar, hacer/ completer/ componer, formar, integrar/ representar/ maquillar/ compensar/ cubrir/ suplir/ recuperar/ maquillarse, pintarse/ hacer las paces, reconciliarse. (to) make up for: compensar. (to) make up to: halagar a/ congraciarse con/ recompensar, pagar. (to) make with: dar, traer. (to) mark down: rebajar el precio de/ bajar la nota de/ apuntar. (to) mark off: separar, dividir, distinguir/ delimiter/ tachar. (to) mark out: marcar, delimiter/ marcar, trazar/ sealar, seleccionar. (to) mark up: subir (el precio de), aumentar (el precio de)/ subir la nota de. (to) mix up: mezclar bien/ preparar/ confundir/ desordenar, revolver, mezclar. (to) nod off: dormirse, dar cabezadas. (to) pan out: salir, resultar. (to) pass away: pasar a mejor vida. (to) pass by: pasar/ pasar de largo. (to) pass down: pasar/ transmitir. (to) pass for: pasar por. (to) pass off: pasar, transcurrir/ parar/ pasarse/ hacer pasar ((as, por)). (to) pass on: pasar, dar/ contagiar/ pasar a mejor vida/ pasar ((to, a)). (to) pass out: desmayarse, perder el conocimiento/ graduarse/ repartir. (to) pass over: pasar por alto, dejar de lado, olvidar/ atravesar, cruzar. (to) pass through: estar de paso/ pasar por, atravesar. (to) pass up: dejar pasar, dejar escapar, desperdiciar/ rechazar.

(to) pick at: tocar/ comer sin ganas. (to) pick off: matar uno a uno. (to) pick on: meterse con/ elegir, escoger. (to) pick out: elegir, escoger/ distinguir/ reconocer/ tocar de odo. (to) pick up: levantar/ recoger/ coger/ coger/ descolgar/ aprender/ adquirir, coger/ descubrir, enterarse de/ pescar, pillar/ conseguir, encontrar/ recoger, pasar a buscar/ coger/ recoger/ ligar con, ligarse/ detener/ captar, recibir/ reanudar/ reprender ((for, por))/ corregir/ darse cuenta de/ mejorar/ subir/ seguir, continuar. (to) pick up on: hacer resea de/ volver a/ sealar. (to) pitch forward: caer de bruces, caer de cabeza. (to) pitch in: empezar/empezar a comer/ cooperar/ contribuir. (to) pitch into: emprender enrgicamente algo/ atacar, arremeter contra, poner como un trapo. (to) pitch off: quitar de encima, sacudir/ caer. (to) pitch out: tirar/ echar, expulsar, poner de patitas en la calle. (to) pitch over: tirar/ volcarse. (to) pitch (up) on: elegir, escoger/ encontrar, dar con. (to) pull about: manosear, estropear. (to) pull along: arrastrar/arrastrarse. (to) pull apart: romper, partir en dos/ desmontar/ criticar duramente/ separar, despegar, desunir. (to) pull away: arrancar/ quitar arrancando/ adelantarse/ seguir remando, tirar enrgicamente de los remos/ apartarse bruscamente de uno. (to) pull back: retirar/ retener, tirar hacia atrs/ tirar hacia s, descorrer/ remontar un gol/retirar/ contenerse/ rajarse. (to) pull down: bajar, tirar hacia abajo, rebajar, hacer caer, tumbar/ derribar, demoler, derribar/ debilitar/ ganar. (to) pull in: tirar hacia s/ recoger/ cobrar/ detener/ enfrenar/ ganar/ atraer/

parar/ llegar a la estacin/ apretarse el cinturn. (to) pull off: arrancar, separar/ quitar de un tirn/quitarse de prisa/ llevar a cabo/ cerrar/ concluir con xito algo/ ganar/ lograrlo/ llevarlo a cabo/ vencer./ salir. (to) pull on: ponerse (de prisa)/ tirar de. (to) pull out: sacar, extraer/ tirar hacia fuera/ tirar a uno de un hoyo a estirones/ sacar a uno de un ro/ estirar, extender/ retirar/ irse, marcharse/ retirarse/ salirse/ salir (de la estacin)/ sale fcilmente. (to) pull over: acercar tirando/ derribar, volcar/ hacerse a un lado, desviarse hacia un lado. (to) pull round: ayudar a uno a reponerse/ reponerse. (to) pull through: sacar a uno de un apuro o de una enfermedad/ salir de un apuro/ reponerse, recobrar la salud. (to) pull together: reorganizar un escrito, recuperar/ trabajar con un espritu comn, trabajar con espritu de equipo/ sobreponerse, serenarse, recuperar la calma, animarse. (to) pull up: alzar, levantar, tirar hacia arriba/ alzar/ acercar/ arrancar, dessarraigar/ fortalecer/ parar, refrenar/ reprender/ pararse, detenerse/ pararse/ contenerse/ interrumpirse/ mejorar/ mejorar su posicin. (to) put about, (to put around: diseminar, hacer correr/ dar a entender que..., hacer creer que..., hacer correr el rumor de que.../ hacer virar/ virar, cambiar de bordada,. (to) put across: comunicar/ hacer entender/ hacer aceptar/ presentar/ cerrar/ engaar a uno, embaucar a uno/ dar una paliza a uno/ impresionar con su personalidad/ presentarse de manera eficaz/ comunicar eficazmente lo que uno quiere decir. (to) put apart: separar a alguien de otras personas. (to) put aside: rechazar, desechar, dejar, poner a un lado/ dejar de lado, poner a parte/ guardar, poner aparte, ahorrar/ devolver a su lugar/ poner en el garaje/ envainar/ guardar/ desechar/ descartar, repudiar/ encarcelar, recluir en un manicomio/ alojar/ zamparse. (to) put back: devolver a su lugar/ restituir, volver a poner/ guardar/ volver/ restituir/ dejar/ retrasar/ aplazar/ beberse/ volver a puerto. (to) put by: ahorrar, tener dinero ahorrado= (to) put away.

(to) put down: poner en tierra/ poner en el suelo/ depositar/ bajar/ soltar/ dejar/ dejar apearse/ djalo/ sultalo/ poner en tierra/ cerrar/ pagar como desembolso inicial/ poner en cava/ suprimir/ sofocar/ dominar/ hacer callar/ dejar sin rplica posible, humillar/ apuntar, poner por escrito/ degradar, pasar a una divisin inferior/ atribuir/ considerar/ sacrificar. (to) put forth: alargar/ tender/ extender/ echar/ emplear, desplegar. (to) put forward: nombrar, presentar, proponer/ hacer/ presentar, proponer, exponer/adelantar/ ofrecerse con poca modestia, ponerse en evidencia, llamar la atencin sobre s. (to) put in: meter, introducir/ insertar/ interponer/ presentar, aducir/ votar a, elegir/ dedicar, instalar, conectar/ plantar, sembrar/ entrar a puerto, hacer escala en un puerto/ presentarse a un puesto, solicitar un puesto. (to) put off: aplazar, postponer, dejar para despus/ disuadir/ desconcertar/ desanimar/ dejar/ quitarse/ apagar/ hacerse a la mar/ salir. (to) put on: ponerse/ aplicar/ acelerar, cobrar velocidad/ asumir/ poner/ representar, poner en escena/ poner/ encender/ aplicar/ echar/ poner a calentar/ adelantar/ dar el nombre, sugerir un nombre, tomar el pelo a . (to) put out: sacar, poner fuera, mandar a pasearse, echar, expulsar, poner en la calle/ desahuciar/ tender la ropa, poner la ropa a secar/ echar al mar/ alargar, tender/ sacar, extender/ asomar, sacar/ echar/ ordenar, disponer, desplegar/ apagar, sofocar/ desconcertar/ enojar, irritar/ incomodar/ dislocarse/ publicar/ sacar a la luz/ hacer/ diseminar/ hacer correr/ , poner el dinero a inters/ hacerse a la mar/ salir de/ tomarse la molestia, molestarse. (to) put over= (to) put across. (to) put one over on sb.= ganar por la mano a uno, engaar a uno, dar a uno gato por liebre. (to) put through: cerrar/ despachar/ hacer aprobar/ poner una llamada/ someter a uno a una prueba. (to) put together: poner juntos, juntar, reunir/ sumar/ aadir/ montar, armar/ juntar, reunir, formar/ confeccionar/ jugar realmente bien. (to) put up: alzar, levantar, poner en alto, levantar, abrir, alzar/ montar, poner/ izar/ colgar/ pegar, fijar, poner/ envainar/ construir/ aumentar, subir/ ofrecer/ presentar/ hacer/ oponer/ nombrar, proponer/ poner una cosa en venta/ dar, poner/ preparar, hacer/ hospedar, alojar/ incitar/ levantar/ presentar/ ofrecerse.

(to) put up with: aguantar, resignarse a, conformarse con. (to) put upon: molestar a uno, incomodar a uno, pedirle mucho a uno, abusar de la amabilidad de uno. (to) ride about, (to) ride around: pasearse a caballo, en coche, en bicicleta. (to) ride away: alejarse, irse, partir. (to) ride back: volver a caballo, en bicicleta, etc. (to) ride on: depender de. (to) ride out: aguantar hasta el final de. (to) rip off: arrancar/ timar. (to) rip up: romper, hacer pedazos. (to) round down: redondear (a la baja). (to) round off: completar, acabar. (to) round on: volverse contra. (to) round up: redondear (al alza)/ acorralar/ reunir, juntar. (to) run across: cruzar corriendo/ encontrar, tropezar con. (to) run after: perseguir. (to) run along: irse. (to) run away: irse corriendo, escaparse. (to) run away with: escaparse con/ no te vayas a creer que/ te dejas llevar por. (to) run down: atropellar/ criticar/ agotar/ bajar corriendo/ agotarse/ pararse. (to) run in: rodar/ detener/ entrar corriendo. (to) run into: entrar corriendo en/ chocar con/ tropezar con. (to) run off: imprimir/ irse corriendo. (to) run off with: escaparse con, llevarse.

(to) run out: salir corriendo/ acabarse/ agotarse/ caducar. (to) run over: atropellar/ rebosar/ derramar. (to) run through: ensayar/ repasar/ echar un vistazo a. (to) run up: subir corriendo/ acumular/ izar/ subir corriendo. (to) set about: empezar a, ponerse a/ atacar, agredir. (to) set against: enemistar con, poner en contra de/ contraponer, sopesar, comparar con/ desgravar. (to) set apart: distinguir ((from, de)), hacer diferente ((from, de)). (to) set aside: guardar, ahorrar/ dejar/ reservar/ dejar de lado/ anular. (to) set back: apartar, retirar/ retrasar, atrasar/ costar. (to) set down: poner por escrito, escribir/ dejar/ establecer, fijar. (to) set forth: emprender marcha, partir. (to) set in: empezar, comenzar/ surgir/ declararse. (to) set off: salir, ponerse en camino/ hacer estallar, hacer explotar/ hacer sonar/ lanzar, tirar/ hacer empezar, provocar, desencadenar/ hacer resaltar, realzar. (to) set on: echar/ atacar, agredir. (to) set out: partir, salir ((for, para))/ proponerse ((to, -)), tener la intencin de, querer/ disponer, exponer/ exponer. (to) set to: ponerse a, empezar a. (to) set up: levantar, erigir/ colocar/ montar/ montar, armar/ poner, server/ montar, poner/ fundar/ abrir/ crear/ proveer de/ ayudar a reponerse/ tender una trampa a/ establecerse ((as, como))/ pretender ser/ establecerse ((as, como)). (to) slip away: pasar, irse/ irse. (to) slip by: pasar, transcurrir. (to) slip into: ponerse. (to) slip off: quitarse.

(to) slip on: ponerse. (to) slip out: escaparse. (to) slip out of: quitarse. (to) slip up: equivocarse, cometer un error/ cometer un desliz, meter la pata. (to) stand aside: apartarse, quitarse de en medio/ no tomar parte, mantenerse al margen. (to) stand back: apartarse, echarse hacia atrs, alejarse/ distanciarse ((from, de)). (to) stand by: cruzarse de brazos, quedarse sin hacer nada/ estar preparado,a, estar listo,-a/ estar en estado de alerta/ no abandonar, respaldar, apoyar, defender/ atenerse a/ cumplir. (to) stand down: retirarse/ dimitir/ retirarse, abandonar el estrado. (to) stand for: significar, querer decir/ representar/ defender, apoyar, ser partidario,-a de/ tolerar, permitir, consentir. (to) stand in for: sustituir, suplir. (to) stand out: destacar, sobresalir/ destacarse, sobresalir/ oponerse ((against, a)). (to) stand over: vigilar a, velar a. (to) stand to: estar en estado de alerta/ poner en estado de alerta. (to) stand up: ponerse de pie, levantarse/ estar de pie/ ponte derecho/ resistir ((to, -)), soportar ((to, -))/ poner en posicin vertical/ dejar plantado,-a a, dar un plantn a. (to) stand up for: defender: (support) apoyar. (to) stand up to: hacer frente a, resistir a. (to) show off: fardar, fanfarronear, presumir, lucirse/ hacerse el/la gracioso,-a/ hacer resaltar, realzar/ hacer alarde de, presumir de, fardar con, lucirse con. (to) show up: hacer resaltar, hacer destacar/ revelar, sacar a la luz, poner de manifiesto/ dejar en ridculo, poner en evidencia/ notarse, verse/ acudir, presentarse, aparecer.

(to) stand aside: apartarse, quitarse de en medio/ no tomar parte, mantenerse al margen. (to) stand back: apartarse, echarse hacia atrs, alejarse/ distanciarse ((from, de)). (to) stand by: cruzarse de brazos, quedarse sin hacer nada/ estar preparado,a, estar listo,-a/ estar en estado de alerta/ no abandonar, respaldar, apoyar, defender/ atenerse a/ cumplir. (to) stand down: retirarse/ dimitir/ retirarse, abandonar el estrado. (to) stand for: significar, querer decir/ representar/ defender, apoyar, ser partidario,-a de/ tolerar, permitir, consentir. (to) stand in for: sustituir, suplir. (to) stand out: destacar, sobresalir/ destacarse, sobresalir/ oponerse ((against, a)). (to) stand over: vigilar a, velar a. (to) stand to: estar en estado de alerta/ poner en estado de alerta. (to) stand up: ponerse de pie, levantarse/ estar de pie/ resistir ((to, -)), soportar ((to, -))/ poner en posicin vertical/ dejar plantado,-a a, dar un plantn a. (to) stand up for: defender/ apoyar. (to) stand up to: hacer frente a, resistir a. (to) take after: parecerse a. (to) take apart: desmontar, deshacer/ echar por tierra. (to) take aside: llevar a un lado. (to) take away: llevarse, quitar/ restar/ llevar. (to) take back: recibir otra vez, aceptar algo devuelto/ readmitir/ devolver/ retirar, retractar/ hacer recordar. (to) take down: quitar, bajar/ desmontar/ apuntar/ humillar. (to) take for: tomar por. (to) take in: dar cobijo a, alojar, recoger/ engaar/ asimilar, entender, captar/

incluir, abarcar/ meterle a, estrechar. (to) take off: quitarse/ quitar, sacar/ llevar/ tomarse/ imitar/ descontar, rebajar/ despegar/ irse, marcharse/ hacerse popular, tener xito, ponerse de moda. (to) take on: hacerse cargo de, encargarse de, aceptar/ asumir/ contratar, coger/ desafiar, enfrentarse con/ asumir, tomar, adquirir/ agitarse, ponerse nervioso,-a. (to) take out: sacar, quitar/ invitar a salir/ llevar de paseo/ hacerse, sacar/ obtener/ llevar comida a casa/ eliminar. (to) take out on: tomarla con, desquitarse con, descargarse. (to) take over: tomar (posesin de), apoderarse de/ ocupar/ absorber, adquirir/ hacerse cargo de/ asumir/ tomar el poder, hacerse con el poder/ entrar en funciones, relevar/ repasar/ ensear, mostrar. (to) take over from: relevar, sustituir. (to) take to: tomar cario a/ darse a/ empezar a, aficionarse a. (to) take up: ocupar/ llevar, subir/ quitar, levantar/ ocupar/ ocupar, llevar/ continuar, reanudar/ aceptar/ dedicarse a/ volver a/ acortar. (to) take upon: encargarse de. (to) take up on: hacer puntualizaciones sobre/ aceptar (una oferta). (to) take up with: empezar a salir con, entrar en relaciones con/ hablar de. (to) tell against: obrar en contra de. (to) tell apart: distinguir. (to) tell off: regaar, reir/ destacar. (to) tell on: chivarse de. (to) tick away: transcurrir. (to) tick off: marcar, sealar/ regaar, reir/ fastidiar, dar rabia. (to) tick over: marchar al ralent, estar en marcha/ ir tirando. (to) throw about: derrochar. (to) throw away: tirar/ desaprovechar, perder/ malgastar, derrochar/ lanzar al

aire. (to) throw back: devolver/ echar atrs. (to) throw back on: obligar a recurrir a. (to) throw in: incluir gratis/ sacar de banda. (to) throw off: deshacerse de, librarse de/ despistar/quitarse. (to) throw on: ponerse. (to) throw out: echar, expulsar/ rechazar/ tirar, tirar a la basura/ juntar de prisa/ improvisar/ juntar. (to) throw up: vomitar, devolver/ abandonar, renunciar a/ arrojar, dar, aportar/ revelar, poner en evidencia/ vomitar, devolver. (to) try for: tratar de obtener. (to) try on: probarse. (to) try out: probar, ensayar. (to) turn against: poner en contra/ ponerse en contra de. (to) turn around / turn round: volverse, darse la vuelta/ volver, darle la vuelta a. (to) turn away: no dejar entrar/ volver la cabeza, volver la espalda. (to) turn back: hacer retroceder, hacer volver/ retrasar/ volverse atrs. (to) turn down: rechazar, no aceptar/ denegar/ bajar/ doblar. (to) turn in: entregar a la polica/ acostarse. (to) turn off: desconectar/ apagar/ cerrar/ repugnar, dar asco a/ salir de/ apagarse/ salir. (to) turn on: conectar/ encender/ abrir/ poner en marcha, encender/ atacar, arremeter contra/ apuntar, dirigir/ excitar, entusiasmar/ depender de, girar en torno a/ encenderse. (to) turn out: apagar/ producir, fabricar/ vaciar/ desmoldar/ expulsar, echar/ salir, resultar/ salir/ asistir, acudir/ salir a la calle. (to) turn over: dar la vuelta a, volver, poner al revs/ dar vueltas a/ entregar/

volver/ facturar, hacer/ darse la vuelta/ volcar/ marchar en vaco, funcionar. (to) turn to: acudir a, recorrer a, recurrir a/ buscar, pasar a/ pasar a/ dedicarse a, recurrir a, darse a, empezar. (to) turn up: llegar, presentarse/ aparecer/ doblar hacia arriba, levantar/ acortar/ subir, poner ms fuerte/ descubrir, encontrar. (to) wait about, (to) wait around: esperar, perder el tiempo. (to) wait behind: quedarse, quedarse para esperar a uno. (to) wait in: estar en casa esperando a uno. (to) wait on, (to) wait upon: servir a uno, desvivirse por mimar a uno. (to) wait out: quedarse hasta el final de, esperar ms que uno. (to) wait up: velar, no acostarse, seguir sin acostarse. (to) wait upon: cumplimentar a uno, presentar sus respetos a uno. (to) walk about: pasearse, ir y venir. (to) walk across: cruzar. (to) walk around: dar una vuelta, pasearse. (to) walk away: irse, alejarse, negarse a, evadirse de. (to) walk away with: llevarse, copar, largarse con, robar. (to) walk back: volver a pie, regresar andando. (to) walk down: bajar a pie. (to) walk in: entrar, entrar sin llamar/ interrumpir a alguien. (to) walk into: entrar/ caer en una trampa/ ser embaucado/ chocar con/ dar con o contra/ topar/ tropezar con o contra/ devorar, zampar/ atacar a uno, arremeter a uno/ conseguir fcilmente un puesto. (to) walk off: quitarse un dolor de encima dando un paseo/ dar una vuelta para quitarse un dolor/ bajar la comida dando un paseo. (to) walk on: seguir andando o caminando/ salir de figurante. (to) walk out: salir, retirarse/ declararse en huelga/ marcharse/ abandonar a

uno/ dejar plantado a alguien/ plantar a alguien. (to) walk over: atropellar a uno, tratar a uno a coces/ dar una paliza a alguien en algn deporte/ ganar/ ganar la carrera por ser el nico caballo que participa. (to) walk through: ensayar por primera vez. (to) walk up: subir a pie

66 ESSENTIAL PHRASAL VERBS (INTERMEDIATE) AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo - "All women are bad drivers." "I don't agree with you." BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived. BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so I won't be back until 10. BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla. BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we went to the pub. BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes." BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six people. BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party. BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to Motril. CALL BACK - volver a llamar - "I'm afraid the manager isn't here at the moment. Could you call back later?" CARRY ON - seguir. continuar - I'm sorry if I interrupted you. Please carry on. CARRY OUT - cumplir (una promesa) - The President carried out his promise to reduce taxation. CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo - The execution was carried out at seven o'clock in the morning. CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up after the party. COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con - I came across an old friend on the metro in Madrid. COME BACK - regresar - I'm going to England for two weeks. I'm coming back on the fifth. COME IN - entrar - "Good morning. Come in and sit down." COME ON - Vamos!, Date prisa! - Come on. We're going to be late. CUT DOWN ON - consumir menos - You must cut down on cholesterol or you'll have a heart attack. CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill, the electricity was cut off. CUT UP - cortar en pedazos - We cut up the birthday cake and gave everyone a slice. DO UP - abrochar, atar - I was five before I knew how to do up my shoelaces. DO WITH - tener algo que ver con, tener relacin con - "What's MS DOS?" "It's got something to do with computers."

DO WITHOUT - pasarse sin, prescindir de - The shops are shut so we'll have to do without sugar. Sarah and John 1996 (c) DRAW UP - pararse - The car drew up at the zebra crossing. GET BACK - volver, regresar - Cinderella had to get back by twelve o'clock. GET IN(TO) - entrar - I lost my keys and so I couldn't get into the house. GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren) - You have to get off the bus at the next stop if you want the station. GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto) - Quick! Get on the train, it's about to leave. GET UP - levantarse - When I got up this morning it was still dark. GIVE BACK - devolver - If you don't like the dress, the shop will give you your money back. GIVE UP - perder la esperanza, rendirse - If you find phrasal verbs difficult, don't give up. GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber) - You'll get cancer if you don't give up smoking. GO AHEAD - Siga! - "Can I use the telephone?" "Yes, go ahead." GO AWAY - irse, marcharse - Are you going away for Christmas, or are you staying at home. GO BACK - volver, regresar - Although she's forty, she's going back to University to study French. GO DOWN - bajar - The price of fruit goes down in the summer. GO OUT - salir (por la calle) - I always go out and have a few drinks on Saturday night. GO UP - subir - The price of cigarettes went up in January 1992. HANG ON/HOLD ON - esperar - Hold on for a minute as Pablo will be back in five minute. HANG UP - colgar (el telfono) - My ex-girlfriend hung up when I phoned her. KEEP UP WITH - mantenerse (a la altura de) - I can't keep up with my father when we go cycling as he goes too fast. KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler - My grandfather's old house was knocked down and a bank was built. LEAVE BEHIND - olvidar, dejar - When I got to the airport, I realised I had left my passport behind. LET IN - dejar entrar - She opened the door and let in the cat. LOOK AFTER - cuidar - My mother looks after the children when we go away. LOOK FOR - buscar - I spent two hours looking for my glasses before I found them. LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusin - I'm looking forward to the Easter holidays. LOOK OUT - tener cuidado, Ojo! Look out! - There's a car coming. JOHN & SARAH 1996 (c) LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario) - If you don't understand the word, look it up in a dictionary. Sarah and John 1996 (c) PUT IN - meter, introducir - Put ten pence in the machine and you will get a cup of coffee. PUT ON - encender - Put on the light, it's getting dark. PUT ON - ponerse (la ropa) - Put your coat on or you'll get cold. RUN OUT OF - quedars sin algo We ran out of petrol so we had to get the bus. SET OFF - ponerse en camino - We set off to Madrid at five o'clock to avoid the traffic.

TAKE AFTER - parecerse a - Pablo takes after his mother: they are both optimistic. TAKE OFF - despegar - The flight was delayed for two hours and the plane eventually took off at 6 p.m. TAKE OFF - quitarse la ropa - Take off your coat and make yourself comfortable. TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar - He took out a cigarette and lit it. THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura) - Don't throw these papers away: they're important. TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen) - Turn down the radio: it's too loud. TURN UP - poner el volumen ms fuerte - Turn up the radio. I can't hear it. TURN ON - encender (televisin, luces etc.) - Turn on the television, please, I want to see the news.

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