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Portfolio Problem: In the Cups (With Targets)

Here are some pictures of a stack of Dixie cups I took earlier today in my office. I thought of a few questions about the cups that would give you a nice opportunity to show your proficiency. Feel free to add others. __Obj 1.1: I can describe essential characteristics of linear relationships and can recognize and provide examples of linear and non-linear relationships. __Obj 1.2: I can use linear equations and functions to solve problems and model linear relationships. __Obj 1.3: I can solve linear equations and write them in different forms. (1)Most would consider the relationship to be essentially linear. Why? (2)How would you predict the height of a 2-cup stack? How about 10 cups? (3)What equation would you use for predicting the height of an arbitrary number of stacked cups? (4)I have several prepackaged stacks containing 60 Dixie cups per stack. I tried to put them in a box that was 39cm long. Did they fit? Just barely? With room to spare? (5)I signed up to bring Dixie cups to a picnic. I found a partial package of Dixie cups that measures 27 cm. How many cups are probably in there? __Obj 1.8: I can identify, describe, and interpret the slope of a linear function in context. __Obj 1.11: I can explain what it means to solve equations, inequalities, and systems, and I can use this knowledge to check my answers for reasonableness and correctness. __Obj 1.12: I can determine a reasonable domain and range for a given function or relation. (6)How would you use this context to discuss the slope as a unit rate of change? (7)How would you convince a skeptic that your model is correct or reasonable?

Portfolio Problem: In the Cups (With Targets)

(8)What does your model predict for the height of a 0-cup stack? Does that make sense? (Related: Are there any domain or range restrictions you should add to your model?)

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