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// find recursive list of all files in current folder find . -name "*.

*" -ls |grep "May 30" // count number of lines in file wc -l Hungama_recon_dump_20121008.txt grep -c "|$" filename perl -v check pearl is installed or not vi /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf mail configuration pkill -TERM -P 22655 wc -l my_text.txt wpd - current path file search with size find / -type f -size +500000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'|gr ep nohup You can force grep to ignore word case i.e match boo, Boo, BOO and all other com bination with -i option: $ grep -i "boo" /etc/passwd You can check version of OS uname -a Linux and MacOS 1 Go to ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/linux or ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/macos 2 Run ./activemq start 3 To stop the daemon run ./activemq stop #check partition sizes df -h #check directory size du -s -h /var/log/ #check every directory and file sizes under a dir. du -s -h /var/log/* #check individual size size du -s -h /var/log/lastlog grep -r '9225871494\|9212107411\|9279766748\|9223512131' Reciver/ ######## process running top -c

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