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The death of Emile Durkhpim removes one who by general consent has been, since Spencer died, the leading sociologist of the world. The event has a peculiarly melancholy interest for the Sociological Society. The second of two papers he promised at the inception of the society remains unwritten. The first appeared in the printed volume of the society's transactions in 1905. It was a paper dealing with " Method in the Social Sciences," and from that standpoint made a survey of the whole sociolc^ical field. The discussion of method was left to be completed in a future paper. But as the years rolled on Durkheim's busy life became more and more filled with the activities, not only of the thinker and the teacher, but also with those of the active citizen. And this further paper on Method ^is one of many sociological undertakings cut short by his death. A memoir on Durkheim, and his work, will appear in the next number of the Sociological Review.

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