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The Shiv- Shakti tatva

The Pure Creation At the "top level" as it were ' the source of everything, is the limitless, utterly transcendent Paramshiva who is beyond all human comprehension and basically, unknowable. Then there's Shiva as he is understood to manifest himself ' the Instrumental Cause of all creation and the one who sets in motion the five fundamental activities which give rise to the world ' Emission, Protection, Reabsorbtion, Concealment, and Grace. This form of Siva is held to have a "body" composed of mantras, which can be visualised, worshipped, and meditated upon.


Shiva-Tattva is sometimes conceived as the first "outward" movement of Paramshiva. It is sometimes described as the "static" aspect of universal consciousness ' the "support" and root of all things and potentialities in the world.


Shakti-Tattva is the "activity" of Shiva ' from Her the rest of the Tattvas arise. There is no real seperation between Shiva & Shakti. Shakti (at this level) is said to be "full of bliss" ' sometimes called AnandaShakti.

Will, Knowledge, Action

Related to Shiva-Shakti are the so-called "three corners" ' Icchashakti (primal power of Will ' also referred to as Sadashiva or Sadakhya), Gyanashakti (primal power of knowledge" ' also referred to as Ishvara) and Kriyashakti (primal power of action ' also referred to as Sadvidya) An individual deluded by Maya consists of Shiva and Shakti under the terms purusha and prakriti. Purusha is the embodied Shiva, prakriti the embodied Shakti. Being deluded by Maya, the three primordial Shaktis of Iccha, Gyana and Kriya take the form of ego (ahankar), intelligence (buddhi) and memory or Association (manas). Incarnated in the five elements of space, fire, air, earth and water, the embodied being has five powers to sense, five powers to act, and five Impressions. These together make the 36 tattvas. It is the delusion of Maya which prevents an individual from realising her or his oneness with Shiva-Shakti and the three primordial Shaktis of Iccha, Gyan and Kriya."

The 36 Tattvas of Lord Shiva

There are 36 Shiv-Tattvas or elements, Lord Shiva is made of. The Tattvas are defined by their exclusive capacity to perform a specific function in the scheme of reality. And as the sole agent or acting force is Consciousness, it follows that the Tatvas are nothing but functions of Consciousness. Lord Shiva's human actions are result of his leaving his first 5 elements- the Shuddha tatvas. the moment he will get in touch with his Shakti, he will rise back to his own Spiritual state of God.

The 36 Tattvas:

5 Shuddha Tattvas:

This is the superconscious realm. This is the Sivaloka, the region of the Devas (Gods), the myriad rishis and other beings who have attained freedom from the bondage.

1. Shiva-Tattva: As the Universe is the creation of God's Own Mind (the Supreme Intelligence), the first Reality or Tattva naturally is God (Shiva) Himself. This level of Reality consists of Pure, Infinite Consciousness.

2. Shakti-Tattva: The second level of Reality is that of Pure, Infinite Bliss which is the Power whereby God experiences the Boundless Joy of His Own Existence. For this reason it is known as Shakti-Tattva, the Principle or Category of Power.

3. Sadashiva-Tattva: The third level is that of Pure, Infinite Will-Power, being the Power whereby God experiences Himself as an Unlimited, Independent Force that is ready and able to perform any action He wishes. At this stage God forms the resolve to bring His Power of Creation into operation.

4.Ishvara-Tattva: The fourth level represents God's Power of Pure, Infinite Knowledge whereby He is able to know all things. At this stage God begins to conceive in His Mind the Universe to be created.

5. Satvidya-Tattva: The fifth level is that of Pure, Infinite Action. At this stage, the Divine Power of Action which is the Power whereby God may assume, or manifest Himself as, any form or shape, comes into operation. The Universe at this level is purely Spiritual and is inhabited by Spiritual Beings such as Gods, Enlightened Yogis (Siddhas), Sages (Rishis) and Saints (Sadhus) who are consciously aware of their Oneness with their Creator. These evolved Souls are beings of great Spiritual power. Although they may assume any form and shape they wish, they have no bodies but may be described as radiant Orbs of Spirit for which reason they are known as Devas or Devatas (Radiant Ones).

7 SUDDHA-ASHUDDHA TATTVAS (Spiritual-Magnetic Energy)

6. Maya-Tattva 7. Kalaa-Tattva 8.Vidya-Tattva 9. Raaga-Tattva. 10. Kaala-Tattva 11. Niyati-Tattva 12. Purusha-Tattva (Personal soul) 24 ASUDDHA TATTVAS (Gross-Magnetic Energy) 13. Pradhana-Tattva (also known as Prakriti) 14. Buddhi-Tattva 15. Ahamkara-Tattva 16. Manas-Tattva

Tattvas 17 to 21. The Five Faculties of Perception (Gnanendriyas):

17. srotra tattva: hearing (ears) 18. tvak tattva: touching (skin) 19. chakshu tattva: seeing (eyes)

20. rasana tattva: tasting (tongue) 21. ghrana tattva: smelling (nose) Tattvas 22 to 26. The Five Faculties of Action (Karmendriyas): 22. vak tattva: speech (voice) 23. pani tattva: grasping (hands) 24. pada tattva: walking (feet) 25. payu tattva: excretion (anus) 26. upastha tattva: procreation (genitals)

Tattvas 27 to 31. The Five Primary Sensations (Tanmatras):

27. sabdha tattva: sound 28. sparsa tattva: feel/palpation 29. rupa tattva: form 30. rasa tattva: taste 31. gandha tattva: odor

Tattvas 32 to 36. The Five Gross Elements of Matter (Maha Bhutas):

32. Aakash tattva: ether 33. Vayu tattva: air 34. Tejas tattva: fire 35. Jala tattva: water 36. prithiv tattva: earth

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