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Mary Faith V.

Roda III-LEG Critique Paper: SONA 2011 President Aquino III, recently celebrated his 1st year as the president of our nation and with this, he was tasked to deliver his State of the Nation Address. President Aquino started his speech by mentioning the abolition of the wang-wang system which has become the symbol of the authorities abuse of power and indifference to the people to whom they should be serving. With this, President Aquino has once again put emphasis on his campaign towards social transformation which was his motto during elections. President Aquinos SONA was short and brief. It focused more on the elimination of corruption in the national government and the local government as well. President Aquino may have mentioned statistical details regarding the decrease in number of self-rated hunger of Filipinos and the increase of our countrys credit ratings, but I think that it is not enough. As a student, I have been waiting for him to mention his plans on education. I wanted to know what is in store for students like me during his administration, whether or not it will be given more attention. In dealing with our economy, his Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is not considered to be a long term solution to the poverty experienced by the masses. I was looking for a program which is more suitable for the long run. The housing

program covering the police, soldiers and firemen was good but I was also hoping that he could have mentioned about his plans on those who are less fortunate who couldnt afford to own a decent place. He made little mention on agriculture despite citing reference on our rice imports and exports. I was curious on whether he would address the Hacienda Luisita issue but he didnt. However, I was satisfied with his strong stand on the Spratlys issue where he empowered our nation in claiming what is rightfully ours. I also commend our Presidents efforts on modernizing our police and armys utilities which could help us in the promotion of peace and order. President Aquino may have been seated for a year only, but judging on his achievements he did well. In initiating the change from corrupt and abusive government practices, slowly and surely, Filipinos are giving back their trust. He may not meet the expectations of all the Filipinos but his sincerity in leading our nation to a better future still makes him a good leader.

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