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_F 106 | __Night Vigils (Matins) of Saturday after Passion Sunday | F106 SATURDAY AFTER PASSION SUNDAY. (also known as Lazarus Saturday) NIGHT VIGILS (Matins) The Night Vigils are to be done completely as given for Saturday in the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, Volume I, pp. 399 - 424, except for the Invitatory, the Venite, the Hyran, the Versicles, the Chapter, and the ‘Collect, which are given here following, as well as according to the instructions for the Second Nocturn for the Season of Septuagesima, Lent, and Passiontide, which is given separately therein, pp. 417 - 422. The Invitatory and The Venite—Psalm 94 After Psalm 3 has been completed, the Cantors chant the Invitatory and the Venite (Psalm 94) as follows. Ont the Ist and 2nd Cantors * ——— = ee ee ee | chant the entire Insitatory together: Let us wor-ship the Lord, * Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. Then All repeat & —— Sanne x i the entire Invitatory. Let us wor-ship the Lord, * Who re-deern-ed us by the Cross. Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors (= begin the Venite together. Ps. Come, let us re-joice in the Lords let us shout with ee jon un-to God Our Sa-viour. Let us come be-fore His Coun-ten-ance with — ro ot thanks-giv-ing, and with Psalms let us shout in ju-bil-a-tion un-to Him. Then All repeat = ——— — 7 Hi the entire Invitatory Let us wor-ship the Lord, * Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. | Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors continue the Venite together: For the Lord is a Great God, and a Great King ee eS o-ver all (gods; for the Lord will not cast off His peo-ple.) For in His Hand are & a = ——— —S[S the ends of the Earth, and the heights of the moun-tains are His. ce Then All repeat only the 2nd half = = of the Invitatory, as follows: Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. F 107 | Night Vigils (Matins) of Saturday after Passion Sunday | F107 See ae ee continue the Venite together: For the sea is His, and He made it; and the dry Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors > : —— land His Hands have fash-lon-ed. ail bow. O come, let us wor-ship and fall down [Se SH ere SSS be-fore Him, and let us weep be-fore the Lord Who made us; all rise. For He is Our an ee a God. And we are the peo-ple of His pas-ture, and the sheep of His Hand. [St = the entire Invitatory Let us wor-ship the Lord, * Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. & Then All repeat Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors =x = continue the Venite together: To-day, if ye will hear His V , har-den not your _— ooo = ee hearts. As in the prov-o-ca-tion, in the day of temp-ta-tion in the wil-der-ness. For i i So your fath-ers temp-ted Me; they prov-ed Me and saw My works. Then AIL repeat onthe 2nd half eB of the Invitatory, as follows. Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors 2 —— continue the Venite together: For-ty years long was I griev-ed with that ee SS Sa gen-er-i jon, and I said: “They do al-ways err in their hearts. And they have not meee = * = a a known My ways, so I sware in Mine ang-er: ‘They shall not en-ter in-to My rest.’ ” Then All repeat = St = the entire Invitatory: Let us wor-ship the Lord, * Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors —[——3——— chant the 1st half of the Invitatory: Let us wor-ship the Lord. * of the Invitatory, as follows: Who re-deem-ed us by the Cross. The Hymn F 108 | Night Vigils (Matins) of Saturday after Passion Sunday F 108 —— rr E —— The Ist Cantor alone chants the intonation. 1. Sing, my tongue, the glor-ious bat - tle, The Ist Cantor's side only completes line 1: > The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2. 2. He, Our Ma-ker, deep-ly Griev- ing The Ist Cantor's side only chants line 3. 3. Thus the work for our sal ~ va - tion The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4. 4. Therefore, when at length the ful~ ness Sing the last, the dread af - fray; 1.> That the first-made Ad-am fell, 2.> He or-dain-ed to be done; 3. Of th’ ap-point-ed time was come, 4.-> The 2nd side only chants line 5 5. Lo! He lies, an In-fant Weep-ing, > Where the nar-row mang- er stands, 5.> All chant line 6. 6. Praise and hon-our to the Fath- er, + Praise and hon-our to the Son, 6.> x E x — = : Fy 1. O’er the Cross, the Vie- tor’s Tro- phy, 2. When he ate the fruit for- bid- den 3. To the trait-or’s art op - po - sing 4, He was Sent, the world's Cre - a - tor, 5. While the Moth-er-Maid His Mem-bers 6. Praise and hon- our to the Spir- it, Sound the high Whose re - ward was death and hell, 2. tri - um- phal lay, 1.> Art yet deep- er than his own; 3.> From the Fath-er’s Heav'n-ly Home, 4.> Wraps in mean and low - ly bands, 5.> > Ev- er Three and ev- er One, 6.> E — x ———— ay 1. How the pains of death en-dur ~ ing, » Earth's Re-deem-er won the day. 1. 2. Mark'd e’en then This Tree the ru ~ in > Of the first tree to dis - pel. 2. 3. Thence the rem- ed - y pro-cur- ing > Whence the fa-tal wound be - gun. 3. 4, And was Found in hu-man fash- ion, S. And the swad-dling clothes is wi- nding 6. One in might, and One in glor ~ y Off - spring of the Vir- gin's womb. 4. Round His Help-less Feet and Hands. 5. + While ¢ = ter -mal a - ges run. 6. & ms Then All chant the “Amen” as follows: A - men. The First Nocturn The Versicle Y. How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? By. Look upon me, hear me, O Lord My God. The Second Nocturn he Chapter and the Versicle Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Jer. 11: 20)

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