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Cristina B. Cuevas Ms. M.

Domenech AP English 12 21 September 2011

Creative Writing: Self Portrait Monologue I am powerful but never overwhelming. I am everywhere and nowhere. I

may not be easy to understand, but I am there when you need me. Music, songs, words, sounds. I am a note, a note capable of infinite possibilities. I respect all I adapt to everyone, but I am still me. Saxophones, drums, languages, voices. Jazz, Classical, Cultural, Latin, what are these if not things that I can represent. I am defined by emotions, by thoughts, by ideas, but I decide how they are defined by me. I am part of a whole, but the whole is different without me. A single note capable of changing everything. A saxophone, a flute, a trumpet or a drum,

together they form a composition, they complement each other and through different variations create countless sounds that react or individualize objects, people, and places. Alone they are all powerful but together they are capable of melodies, rhythms, harmonies and so much more. dependant on others. Everything is interconnected,

I alone can do nothing; alone I am insignificant, nothing

more than a remote single sound. But joined to others I am capable of incredible things; the voice and pitch of a speaker motivating students, a concerto by a musician, a song with a message. Incredible things with incredible purposes, alone we are nothing, together everything. I am a note. A single note. Strong but never overwhelming, everywhere and never there, varied yet independent, together and alone. Unique.

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