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SAPHIRE APPLICATION FORM : Send it to wow_stock@hotmail.

com or to stock on WoW REch website Name: Age: E-Mail: Class and Race: MS and OS: Explain us your MS (Rotation,Gems,Enchants,Reforge):

Explain us your OS (Rotation,Gems,enchants,Reforge): Can you raid our days (Friday or Thurdsday;Saturday and Sunday from 10PM to 00: 30) ?Please be honest: Tell us about your raiding exp. (Raids cleared,time played etc. etc.) : How do you prepare for raids? (do you buy food,potions and flasks ? ): Did you play retail? Did you raid there? If yes tell us everything. : Is your internet connection stable? Fell free to link speedtest : Do you need to have any break during the raid?If yes tell us why and at what ti me: Last words (Why should we recruit you,talk us a bit about you,what you do besid e WoW,do you play other games?Do you still play Retail? )

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