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PHYS 951 Fall 2012 Midterm - Make-up

1. In a certain basis, an operator A takes the form 0 0 1 A=0 0 0 1 0 0 (a) Suppose | >, |0 >, |+ > are the eigenkets of A with corresponding eigenvalues a < a0 < a+ . Write down these eigenkets in the above basis and nd their corresponding eigenvalues. (b) A second observable can be written as B = 3| >< | + 2|0 >< 0| + 1|+ >< +|. Write B in the original basis. Are A and B compatible observables? 2. Find the linear combination of |+ and | spin kets that maximize the uncertainty product (Sx )

(Sy )

3. Operator A measures a quantity and operator B measures quantity . |a1 > and |a2 > are eigenkets of A in which attains values a1 and a2 >. |b1 > and |b2 > are eigenkets of B in which attains the values b1 and b2 . Suppose, |a1 > |a2 > 1 = 13 2 3 3 2 |b1 > |b2 >

is measured and the value a1 is obtained. is measured, then is measured again. What is the probability of obtaining a1 a second time? Please date and sign: I promise to work on this exam by myself for not more than 1 hour without consulting any books,notes,additional materials, smart phones, laptops or neighbors.

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