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According to Comprehension

Classify terms according to comprehension on the basis of meaning and opposition. Give examples for each classification of terms on the basis of meaning and opposition. Share how the classification of terms on the basis of meaning and opposition may be useful in their daily life.

Man is a rational animal. Filipinos are men.

The first tells what man is; the second tells what things man can apply or refer to.)

Lawyer Ruler

and Attorney


and windows of the


Univocal Equivocal



terms having the same meaning are equivocal terms. Examples: unmarried man and bachelor; doctor of medicine and physician.


terms having different meanings but usually and erroneously confused because of their sameness or similarity in sound or spelling are equivocal terms.


light (the opposite of heavy) and light (meaning that produced by electric bulb); star (meaning movie star) and star (as used in astronomy)

Two terms that have the same meaning in one respect but different meaning in other aspects in a given context; or terms which are used partly in the same meaning and partly in different meanings, or terms that have only similar (not exactly the same , nor entirely different) meanings.

They are usually employed in figures of speech such as simile, metaphor, parable, and paradox. Examples: eyes and windows of the soul; Church and light of the world.

Contradictory Contrary Complementary


are terms so opposed to each other in meaning as to be mutually exclusive of each other. To accept one means necessarily to reject the other.


true and not true; living and dead; innocent and guilty; absent and present


terms are opposite in meaning, but admit middle possibilities or intermediaries.


black and white; all and none; thesis and antithesis


complement of a given class is the collection of all things that do not belong to the said class. Example: men and non-men

Show how the classification of terms on the basis of meaning and opposition may be useful in their daily life. Why is it important for accurate and correct thinking and reasoning to have a clear understanding of the terms we used?

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