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1. Confidence, courage, and hope: a frame for my teaching development a.

The paramount obligation of a college is to develop in its students the ability to think clearly and independently, and the ability to live confidently, courageously, and hopefully. Ellen Browning Scripps (founder of my alma mater) This quote is important to me as the unofficial motto of my college, qualities that I strive for in myself, and hope to foster in my students. My confidence, courage, and hope have all grown as a result of this past year at UCSD, and thats the story I want to tell. The quote is kind of long and wordy though should I include the whole thing in the video? Should I paraphrase or just include the last part? 2. Confidence and Courage: Community support & the willingness to keep adjusting a. The unifix cubes story i. This is the story I told in my first blog post a terrible math lesson, kids out of control & throwing unifix cubes across the room, myself just being dumbfounded, obviously aware of the problem but only able to keep a minimum of control until recess ii. At this point in time, as you can imagine, I was not feeling confident. I was not feeling courageous. Things did not look all that hopeful. Luckily, this is not the end of the story. iii. Courage from community 1. Courage to acknowledge that it didnt work, take responsibility, and try again a. My CT, my carpool buddy, my supervisor: Sohow do you think that went? What can you do to change it? What else can you try? Some things I use are. b. My friends, especially the ones who arent teachers, for listening iv. Readjusting: 1. Trying new class structures 2. Setting expectations, discussing importance, having clear and meaningful consequences 3. Using reinforcing language v. Result: Smooth sailing, productive class time. 1. My lessons learned: - no matter how many times I learn something in class, its not real until I put it in practice - my own confidence and the way I set up and respond to the class has a huge effect on the way students respond & engage. - for me, courage comes from community 3. There is hope! a. As I move into the uncertain future I know that I have the tools to create and lead a productive class environment. I have the power to recognize when

something isnt working, and change it. With confidence, courage, and hope, I leave EDS in search of new challenges.

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