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Action of the muscles in the "thigh" and "leg" fascial compartment # Gluteal region: [Extension + lateral rotation + abduction]

1. Gluteus maximus: a. Extends the hip joint. b. Extends the knee joint. c. Laterally rotates the hip joint. 4. Tensor fascia lata: a. Extends the hip joint. 2. Gluteus medius: a. Abducts the thigh (@ the hip joint).

3. Gluteus minimus: a. Abducts the thigh (@ the hip joint). 5. Piriformis: 6. Obturator internus: 7. Gemellus superior: 8. Gemellus inferior: 9. Quadratus femoris: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Anterior fascial comportment of the thigh: [Abduction + Adduction + Flexion + Extension + Medial/ Lateral rotation] 1. Sartorius: a. Abducts the thigh. a. Flexes the thigh. b. Flexes the leg. c. Laterally rotates the thigh. d. Medially rotates the leg. 2. Iliacopsoas: a. Flexes the thigh on trunk. b. flexes the trunk on the thigh (when its fixed) Lateral rotator of the thigh @ the hip joint

3. Pectineus:

a. Flexes the thigh. b. Adducts the thigh.

4. Quadriceps femoris: 4.a.: Rectus femoris: 4.b.: Vastus medialis: 4.c.: Vastus intermedius: 4.d.: Vastus lateralis: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Medial fascial compartment of the thigh: [Adduction + Flexion +Extension + Lateral rotation] 1. Gracilis: 2. Adductor longus: Adduction of the thigh 3. Adductor brevis: 4. Adductor magnus (adductor): 5. Adductor magnus (hamstring): 6. Obturator externus: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Posterior fascial compartment of the thigh: 1. Biceps femoris: 2. Semitendinosus: 3. Semimembranosus: extends thigh (@ hip joint) & flexes leg (@ knee joint) Lateral rotation of the thigh a. extends the thigh. a. flexes the leg. Also flexes the thigh (@ hip joint) Extension of the leg (@ knee joint)

Medially rotates the leg. (@ knee joint)

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