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Wash thuvar dhal and put it in a pressure cooker.

Add a teaspoon of oil, turmeric powder and 3 cups of water and pressure cook it till soft. Wash and cut the mango with skin into medium size pieces. Put it in a vessel and add a pinch of turmeric, one teaspoon sambar powder, little salt and enough water to cover the mango pieces. Cook on moderate heat till the mango pieces are soft. Remove and slightly mash it. Mix both the cooked dhal and mashed mango together and keep it on the stove. If necessary add little water and make it semi-liquid. Add salt and allow to boil. In a kadai put the oil. When it is hot add mustard. When it pops up, add urad dhal, jeeragam (cumin) and fry till urad dhal become light brown. Add chopped onion, green and red chillies, curry leaves and garlic flakes (just crush it and add). Fry for few seconds. Add this seasoning to the boiling dhal. Stir well and remove from stove. Can be taken with hot rice mixed with little ghee or gingelly oil. Serve with fried papad or sago vadam

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