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Education plays very important role in every person Education plays an important role in the life of a person.

The basic form of education began from the mans search for knowledge. In his quest for unveiling the secrets and truth of the world he began to learn several things that were unknown to him. The knowledge he learned and accumulated through various sources were the earlier of form of education. Gradually the person who had more insight about knowledge began to share it with his fellow members and the method of teaching evolved. In different countries during the earlier centuries education was imparted in different forms. Ancient education system was based getting knowledge directly form the teacher in the oral form. The knowledge perceived from the teachers in the oral form was recorded in manuscripts. The concept of education gradually began to acquire wide aspects including learning of skills, habits, and behavior of a group of people or community and with the invention of letters and symbols the oral language began to have written forms that were recorded by the visionaries of the ancient time for the future generations. Through the education system they transcend the knowledge they acquired to the next generation. The basic purpose of education is thus defined as the system of imparting or duplicating the knowledge form one generation to the next generation. Education is considered as science by ancient philosophers and thinkers. The educational pattern depends on the transmission of knowledge based on culture, civilization and behavioral aspects of a community or human race. The concepts of education according to the historians are traced back to millions of years back or to be more precise according to historical evidence in the end o f 1770. By the middle of the 17th century education among the societies became an integral part of the culture. Soon education systems confined to small groups of teachers and students developed into universities. The largest ancient university was established for the very first time in India in 427 AD. Ancient India was known for its Gurukul system of education. The students used to live with the Guru or the teacher until he finished learning or when the guru is satisfied that his student learnt everything he taught. In ancient Greece Aristotle and Plato were considered as great teachers and their teachings are foundation for education system in most of the countries across the world. In ancient India sages or Rishis were considered as teachers who even taught kings. The drawback of ancient Indian education system was that it was concentrated and confined in the circle of affluent section in the society. Education was a taboo topic for the Indians who belonged to low class. The Greek and the Roman system of education during the medieval period gained attention in Europe. In the Middle East region Islamic culture and scriptures made a new system of education based on religious standards. The Islamic science and mathematics began t spread far and wide from Iberian Peninsula, Indus, Almoravid dynasty and Mali Empire.

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