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David Ross

Professor Wright


08 May 2009

Creationism vs. Evolutionism

I am a Christian man who believes in the Bible. And therefore, I believe in Creationism. If you

ask me to prove it, I could not provide a thread's weight of evidence. I do not believe in

evolutionism. Yet, I could not counter the most uneducated argument to prove it did not happen

that way either. The only thing I have is my faith and it is very personal to me. I do not attend

church regularly and my faith has not been diminished in even the smallest way.

I see the shows on TV explaining in 40 minutes how evolutionism can be easily proven by

showing in fast forward film algae crawling out of the water, growing legs and arms and learning

to walk and think, and conquer and kill and eat all in their path. Mostly due to those

wonderful opposable thumbs.

Cut to commercial and the most advanced species in the evolutionary chain is now cooking

burgers, stealing fortunes, and leaving their children in the streets to sell drugs. And if that is not

going on, they're being molested by the local priests, vicars, and Bishops under the ruse of the

supposed highest level of species that creationism can provide within the church structure.

With that all being said, your paper could probably be the best one in this class simply due to

the fact that if you truly explore both sides of the argument, it will change you. I think the

wonderful curiosity of fresh unbiased children should be taught both sides of the argument

intensely. Nothing held back. No angle or thought or reason should be held back. Neither side of

the view should be held back.

Do not underestimate the ability of the young to ask the hard questions. If not verbally, then

mentally. To even think it possible that it is beneficial to withhold information to the young is

unthinkable. Being an educator is an honored, valuable, profession. I would place my trust in

them to help guide my children all the way to the point where it is time for them to take it all in

and make their own decisions about what to accept. Could you imagine a world where teachers

were paid $4,000,000 a year for their service instead of giving that amount to someone who can

bounce, hit, or throw a ball? The ultimate of the best and brightest humans on Earth would flock

to the teaching profession. How much better off would the world be? It borders on criminal to

not allow teaching creationism vs. evolutionism.

Good Luck on your journey!

edited by rossdw0082 on 5/6/2009 4:30 AM

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