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Chime of matter to kiss the light lips of lime. Solace to the halo hips of Earth sublime.

Your breath as champagne served from the azure skies. Solar winds of God from warmth of faith within. Oh you bow the rain and bend the moonlight bright. Such capricious magic you are my Love, my light; Silver of the Moon is clothing the naked skin of night. Touch of eternity linger on my skin. Stratospheric ponds of colour in your eyes.

Drops of your divine glow upon concious skies. Chime of matter to kiss the light lips of lime. Solace to the halo hips of Earth sublime.

Climate of your immensity near to mine. A timeless hourglass of sound and space is time. Climb across and claim with bravery and prime.

To taste the breath of freedom won by courage. Lush thy breeze that I melodious engage.

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