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Book list Book Name Writer power of your subconscious mind Joseph Murphy how to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie Mastering your time Brian tracy Eat that frog Brian tracy Swami Vivekanand -thoughts his life and philosophy The greatness guide Robin Sharma The monk who sold his ferrari Robin Sharma The Magic of thinking Big David joseph Norman vincet Peale The power of positive thinking The leader who had no title Robin Sharma Unstoppable Nick vujicic 59 second motivation Richard wiseman The google story David a vise Total recall Arnold Rahul dravid timeless steel Narender modi the man and time The immortals of Meluha Amish tripathi The screat rhonda byrne The alchemist Paulo coelho

Language English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati English/Gujarati

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