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Jo"nifor L Wi""-
June6, 2013
'vl ikhail B. Khodorkovsky
Penal Colony #7
ul. Leiguhskaya, 1
Segezha 186420
Rr,,-publicof Karclia
Dear Mikhail,
On behalf of my colleagues at Frt'edom House, please accept my wanncsl wishes
on your upcoming 50m hirthday. I am terribly sorry that this birthday, like :;o
muny bcing spenl in prison.
Throughout the o f unfoir trials am.I imprisonment. you have been a
and a sup ponerofhuman rights and fonr.lamr,,'Iltal freedoms.,
as wdl 11s a model ,,r dignily and grm.:e under tremendous pressure and difficulty.
Your publications and writings have been a great inspirntion to many. I have also
had an opportunity to meet yow son Pavel, a staunch advocate ofa strong ch.ii
society, democratic govemmr,, 'Ilt aod rule oflaw in Russia. You are deservedly
proud of him, I know. Ovr,, -r the years I have met H great number of people who
lmd worked, volunteered or taken pun in the activities 1'fthc foundation that you
once started, Open Russia, :ind crr,,'tlit(.'(I their professional paths co the values ilnd
principles they learned dmiog their time with that organi;o:at ion. Your impact has
reached far beyond the borders of Russia, too.
On this day, I war..t to wisl:: you strength and good health. We at Freedom House
hope tbat you will be celebrating your next birthdity at home with your family
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