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Amazement, nostalgia of never seeing I dress in the world a person without extremities and not to be equal to all, with

a complete body. There is nothing impossible either in this life, or obstacles that do not allow to triumph, the this confidence in one itself. Always it is necessary to be persevering and optimistic with the things that we can achieve, thanks to our determination and effort. It is never necessary to give good results.

I sit emotion, nostalgia, sadness, happiness, amusement, companionship, union and perseverance of following forward without ningun fear of the failure. She was a very happy person in this moment; make happy to be able to swim and to share this emotion with his friends. It demonstrated with this embrace that nothing is impossible in this life, that every person possesses many virtues in spite of the circumstances, the mother was grateful for him because Will was a person's example and was giving the safety and the happiness to the child of being able to achieve many things. Values as: Friendship, perseverance, tolerance, solidarity, optimism. Because it gives to understand that the butterfly is wonderful and beautiful animal but later that has happened to do a caterpillar, then the same thing happens with Will because the people discrimanaba on it having seen that she was a person without extremities, nevertheless not conocian internally. It is because of it that values the persons for what they cost and not for what they show off to be without knowing them.

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