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Environmental Effects of Rapid Industrialization Environmental Effects of Rapid Industrialization in the Republic of Korea

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Alyssa Adams

MARS 485 Dr. Jae-Young Ko November 13th, 2012

Environmental Effects of Rapid Industrialization Abstract

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The Republic of Korea was formally established in 1948, creating opportunities for economic growth. Industrialization took off rapidly about a decade after the Korean War, however; little attention was paid to the environment until years later. While heavy industry provides a major source of income for the country it also contributes to a number of environmental problems. Wetlands and forests have been adversely affected by the countrys development. South Koreas role as a major ship-builder and ability to support port operations has led to increases in air and water pollution. The fisheries industry is a huge part of the Republics culture and income but also has undesired environmental issues associated with it. Chinas pollutants have also affected South Koreas water and air quality, especially on the west coast. The country now puts a strong emphasis on recycling and public transportation to alleviate environmental problems. The government has addressed some topics with regulator policy, but other issues are still in need of a strong government plan.

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