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160 320 130 245 245 120 180 158 110 50 170 110

Herald of Khorne - Fury, Lesser reward, Exalted reward, Juggernaut 20 Flesh Hounds Herald of Slaanesh - Beguilement, Steed, Exalted reward, Lesser reward 20 Seekers - Heartseeker 20 Seekers - Heartseeker Herald of Tzeentch - Conjuration, Mastery level 3 20 Horrors 17 Daemonettes - Alluress Sorcerer - Mastery level 3 10 Cultists Helldrake 3 Terminators - Combi-melta x3, Power maul x3


160 272 130 245 233 120 180 185 90 55 70 260

Herald of Khorne - Fury, Lesser reward, Exalted reward, Juggernaut 17 Flesh Hounds Herald of Slaanesh - Beguilement, Steed, Exalted reward, Lesser reward 20 Seekers - Heartseeker 19 Seekers - Heartseeker Herald of Tzeentch - Conjuration, Mastery level 3 20 Horrors 20 Daemonettes - Alluress Company Command Squad - Melta x4 Chimera Veterans 2 Vendettas


130 320 120 245 233 150 180 185 100 170

Herald of Khorne - Fury, Lesser reward, Juggernaut 20 Flesh Hounds Herald of Slaanesh - Beguilement, Steed, Exalted reward 20 Seekers - Heartseeker 19 Seekers - Heartseeker Herald of Tzeentch - Conjuration, Mastery level 3, Exalted Reward 20 Horrors 20 Daemonettes - Alluress 10 Plaguebearers - Instrument Soul Grinder - Tzeentch, Phlegm


130 304 130 245 245 150 180 185 260 170

Herald of Khorne - Fury, Lesser reward, Juggernaut 19 Flesh Hounds Herald of Slaanesh - Beguilement, Steed, Exalted reward, Lesser reward 20 Seekers - Heartseeker 20 Seekers - Heartseeker Herald of Tzeentch - Conjuration, Mastery level 3, Exalted reward 20 Horrors 20 Daemonettes - Alluress Bloodthirster - Lesser reward Soul Grinder - Tzeentch, Phlegm


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