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Michael Lowy Georg Lukacs — From Romanticism to Bolshevism NLB Translated by Patrick Camiller Pour wne socilogie des intlletuelsrévoltionnaires = L'evoluion politique de Lukics 1908-1929 was frst published by Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1976 ‘Presses Universitaires de France This edition frst poblished 1979 ONIB, 1979 NLB, 7 Carlisle Street, London Wr “The translation of Chapter V, ‘Lukes and Stains’, was made by Ann Gaiterey and ws fst published, insight diferent for, in New Left Review, 91 (May-June 1975) Filmset in ‘Monophoto’ Ehrhardt by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Manchester Printed in Great Britain by Lowe & Brrdone Printers, Thetford, Norfolk Bound by Kemp Hall Bindery, Oxford ISBN 86091 003 2 for Thana, ‘co-author of this work Contents mm Iv v Acknowledgements, Introduction Towards a Sociology of the Anti-Capitalist Intelligentsia Intellectuals as a Social Category ‘The Anti-Capitaist Radicalization of Intellectuals ‘The Anti-Capitalism of Intellectuals in Germany The Revolutionary Intelligenssia in Hungary How an Intellectual Becomes a Revolutionary: Lukées 1909-19 1 Lukics’s Anti-Capitalism and Tragic View of the World 2 The Passage to Communism Lukécs’s Leftist Period (1919-21) Ethical Ultra-Leftism: 1919 Political Leftism: 1920 3. Left Bolshevism: 1921 4 The Problematic of the Reign of Freedom ‘History and Class Consciousness’: 1923 Lukacs and Stalinism Index or ou 128 45 148 154 160 165 168 193 215 Acknowledgements would like first of all to express my profound gratitude to Professor Louis-Vincent Thomas of Université René-Descartes, supervisor of my doctoral thesis, whose contribution to the direction of my research was of inestimable value. ‘My thanks are also due to all those who made criticisms or suggestions: Georges Haupt, Gydrgy Litvan, Sami Nair, Reginaldo Di Piero, Roberto Schwarz, Charles Urjewicz. Particular thanks are due to Hona Duczynska, whose letters were a stimulant and a very great assistance to me, to my friends of the ‘Budapest Schoo? ~ Agnes Heller, Ferenc Feher, and Gyorgy Markus — vhose criticisms, amicable and impassioned as they were, enhanced my under- standing of Lukics's work, and to Professor Ernst Bloch, who kindly accorded me an interview. would also tike to thank the researchers who kindly agreed to share the fruits of their labours with me: Laura Boella (Pisa), Paul Breines {New York), Eva Karadi (Budapest), Leandro Konder (Bonn). Thanks are also due to Martha Dufournaud and Rita Kiss, who translated some of Latkies's Hungarian writings for me. ‘Tam grateful to the personnel of the Lukas Archive of Budapest (in particular Mr Ferenc Janossy, Lukies’s executor), the library of the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, and the library of the Lelio Basso Foundation of Rome, all of whom allowed me access to their collections. Finally, I would like to express my debt to the late Lucien Goldmann, who introduced me to the writings of Lukies and whose method has largely inspired my own work.

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