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Anti-Victorian features in Wuthering Heights: There are the Victorians: Edgar, Isabella, Nelly Dean, Lockwood and the

opposites: Heathcliff, Catherine. Starting with their way of acting, they were soul mates, although Heathcliff was a gypsy, an ordinary and uncivilized person. She was to marry Edgar, but they were so alike. She says of her that shes Heathcliff. But shell marry Edgar because thats what a normal woman should do. The society somehow obliges her to do so. Romantic features-Heathcliff is the Byronic hero, more of not being a hero at all. He hasnt a normal behavior, he cant frequent the high society, he is rather weird. He finds passion for Catherine because she was the one who could understand him. For a gypsy hes very intelligent, he wouldve changed only for her. Hes very sensitive like a Byronic hero. He will venge himself. When he finds out that she gave birth to Edgars daughter, he has a disruptive behavior. He makes money through unknown means. Wuthering Heights is through his appearance very anti-Vic. The estates are not taken care of at all in comparison to THruchcross Grange, Edgars estates. The motif of Chinese boxes is because there are 2 narrators-Lockwood and Nelly, who have a multiple point of view in the story. Lockwood first discovers their story through Catherines diary, long forgotten in her room after she died. Lockwood tells the story after Catherine died, and Edgar. He sees the bad Heathcliff as he become now.

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