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B lo o d y B r i ti sh H i s t ory

CONTAINING:The mystery of the Ninth! Roman Legion Founds York . . . then Disappears! All Hail the BLOODAXE! The Life and Deeds of Yorks Most Terrifying King and other true stories of Viking York! GUNNES and ROSES! The Piteous History of Plantagenet York Explored! Murder of a Monarch! Richard IIIs Grim Death at Bosworth Field Exposed! BEHEADED, CRUSHED, and HANGED in CHAINS: Some of the Citys WEIRDEST Executions Uncovered!
This is the history of York as you have never encountered it before! Travel back to a time when William the Conqueror was harrying the North, and arsonists, highwaymen and gunpowder plotters ran riot in the streets. There are no tea rooms or hanging baskets in this York, but the severed heads on the walls have a certain decorative effect and there are plenty of places to stay if you dont mind risking cholera and the plague. Containing some of the most significant and bloody events in British history, read on if you dare!

Y ork
C hristina S urdhar

Christina Surdhar

ISBN 978-0-7524-9105-9

9 780752 491059

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