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Share your testimony.

Ask if they would like you to explain how you came to know you would go to heaven.


(Get yourself ready! - Jeremiah 1:17a)

Diagnostic Questions 1- Go to heaven? 2- God asks why?

INSTRUCTIONS: Words in italics are what you say and words in regular font are what you do.

I. GOD 1) Write the word GOD. 2) Can you give me two words to describe God? Affirm his answer. 3) God is powerful (He created us) and personal (He loves us). II. MAN (above) 1) Then write / MAN beside the word GOD. 2) God made man to be close to Him and to fellowship with Him. III. LIFE 1) God wanted man to have fellowship with Him forever just as Adam enjoyed it in the Garden of Eden. 2) Draw the top arrow and write the words LIFE (Heaven). IV. MAN (below) 1) God did not make us robots. He gave us freedom to choose. 2) It is sad that, like Adam and Eve, we all have rejected God. 3) Cross out the first MAN and write the word MAN again below. V. SIN 1) Write the word SIN in the upper-center. 2) Sin is simply doing anything apart from God. 3) Even our good deeds are unacceptable if we do them apart from Gods control in our lives. VI. DEATH 1) The Bible says that the consequence of any sin is death or hell. 2) Write the words DEATH (Hell). 3) Apart from God, we can only look forward to being eternally separated from Him. 4) Draw the arrow between the word MAN and DEATH. VII. THREE VERTICAL ARROWS 1) Draw the upward arrows and words as you explain the following:

2) There are three common ways that man tries to get back to God. We... 1) Go to church. But this does NOT help because we dont find God in a building. 2) Do good works. But NO amount of good works can outweigh our bad works. 3) Obey the 10 Commandments. But we are NOT able to meet Gods standard of perfection. VIII. DOWNWARD ARROW OF THE CROSS 1) But since man could not reach God, God came down to man through Jesus. 2) Draw the downward arrow of the cross. IX. PERSONAL NAME 1) Jesus did not come just for MAN, but for you and me. 2) Now make this personal and cross out the word MAN and write your own name above it. 3) Since he also came for you, could you please write your name too? (Hand the pen to your friend.) X. JESUS AND UPWARD ARROW OF THE CROSS 1) When Jesus died on the cross, he took our sin upon himself. 2) Cross out SIN and write JESUS above it. 3) He rose from the dead and 40 days later he returned to His Father. 4) Draw the upward arrow of the cross. 5) The bad news is that although Jesus is back with God, we are still left behind because of our sin. XI. JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one 1) Are you familiar with John 3:16? and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall 2) Now write JOHN 3:16 and quote it. not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 3) As you quote it, point to specifics in the diagram.
(world MAN, gave downward arrow of the cross, him JESUS, perish DEATH, life LIFE)

XII. Explain Three Kinds of Belief in Jesus - Use the other handout with three kinds of Faith XIII. Evaluate Their Answers to the Two Diagnostic Question 1) If a person knew the promise of Jesus and had saving belief how should they have answered the first question? 100% 2) Please read to me your answers to the second diagnostic question. Based on your answers were you trusting in Jesus to save you or were you trusting in yourself? XIV. SHORT ARROWS 1) We have to decide! Are we going to decide to start trusting Jesus to save you and receive eternal life. Draw the short upward arrow ( ). 2) Or are we going to continue to trust in yourself and be judged for every sin you have committed? 3) Draw the short horizontal arrow ( ). XV. Fill in Blanks of Last Paragraph of Three Kinds of Faith Handout Jesus will save you when you admit you are a sinner and cannot save yourself, repent and decide to stop trusting in yourself, and decide to trust in Jesus to save you. This will begin when you ask Jesus to be your Savior, and must continue as you daily trust Jesus to save you. To say that you have faith in Jesus means you must believe, and not doubt, that Jesus will save you (because that is what Jesus has promised). XVI. DECISION TIME 1) Would you like to start trusting in Jesus to Save you? 1) Let me lead you now in prayer. Repeat after me to make this your personal prayer. Dear Jesus... I believe that You are Gods Son... and that You died for me... Because I have sinned... I am asking for your forgiveness... I am willing to change... the direction of my life... and now... I place my trust... in You alone to save me... Thank You for forgiving me... and saving me... In Your name I pray... Amen.... XVI. ENCOURAGEMENT 1) Congratulations! You have just made the best decision of your life. 2) I encourage you to write todays date in your Bible and remember what you did today because this is your spiritual birthday. 3) I would also like to invite you to attend our cell group so that you faith can grow.

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